Prayers for Our Leaders?

Dear Editor: Your recent editorial urges Catholics to pray for our leaders and this is, indeed, worthy advice. You also point out that hot-topic books come and go often with little impact and dubious accuracy.

Life is Non-Negotiable

Once again, the March for Life in Washington, D.C., has proven to our nation and the world that Americans value life, from conception to natural death. The Pro-Life March was bolstered by the video appearance of President Donald Trump, marking the first time that a U.S. President has spoken in person to the gathered crowds.

Calling Forth Our True Selves

LAST WEEK’S Scriptures described Jesus breaking the monotony of the lives of a few fishermen, elevating them to become His disciples. Today, we are given a scenario that could potentially take away the peace of people in the synagogue by the presence of a man with an unclean spirit. He is loud. He interrupts.

Hispanic Children Need Catholic Education

MILLIONS OF Catholics in the United States were educated in Catholic schools during the past two centuries. It is no secret that such education has yielded amazing fruits for this particular faith community and for the larger society.

Revitalize Family Life to Foster Vocations

by Sean M. Suckiel

Promoting vocations to the priesthood, religious life, diaconate and married life must penetrate the life of the Church in the Diocese of Brooklyn at all levels. It is one of the most urgent tasks that the Church is facing today.

Modern-Day Don Boscos Work Magic in Classrooms

Catholic Schools Week is upon us once again. Held annually since 1974 during the last week of January, the event gives us the opportunity to celebrate not only the nearly 45,000 students in our Catholic elementary and secondary schools and academies, but also the almost 2,000 administrators, faculty and staff members who fill our school classrooms, offices, cafeterias, laboratories, gymnasiums, auditoriums, play yards, athletic fields, libraries, study halls and resource areas as well.

The Invitation Amid Interruption

More often, Jesus has a tendency of showing up unannounced and with no appointment. Today, on this third Sunday of Ordinary Time, He interrupts us with an invitation to follow Him.

Why I Became a Priest

IN OUR FAMILY, we never had any priests or nuns. As a boy, my brother and I were altar boys in Middletown, N.Y., but we never became close friends to any priests because when I was 11, my family moved back to Brooklyn.