Parishioners ARISE

Dear Editor: My parish is just finishing their closing session of ARISE. From day one, I knew that I had made the right decision in joining ARISE. The experience is personal, intense, filled with prayers and questions about the Scriptures.

Wedding Site Precedent?

Dear Editor: Regarding the article “In-Flight Wedding on Papal Plane” (Feb. 3), I understand that the Chilean couple met the conditions required.

‘Little Deaths’ of Lent

Dear Editor: As had Carol Powell (Feb. 10), I had been reflecting on the collision of Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day this year.

Two Views on Immigration

Dear Editor: In separate letters (Feb. 24) Joe Leahy and Paul Kreig criticize Mary Geraghty’s (Feb. 10) support for immigrants by claiming that our immigration system is dysfunctional.

Job for Racism Committee

Dear Editor: Once upon a time, when the elementary school at Our Lady of Victory Church in Bedford-Stuyvesant was still running, there was a group of exemplary nuns who, alongside teaching the basics of fundamental education, made a point of helping black students understand their identity and culture by disseminating the teachings of black public figures, including Malcolm X.

Let Anger Lead to Virtue, Not Vice

“ZEAL FOR YOUR house consumes me.” In the Gospel that we read today from the Evangelist John, we are faced with a very different view of the Lord Jesus.

The Latino Effect of Pope Francis

POPE FRANCIS WAS elected five years ago on March 13, 2013. Two firsts about him captured people’s imaginations: the first Jesuit and the first Latin American ever elected pope.

Responding in Love

“BECAUSE GOD first loved us, we respond in love, freely choosing to follow Christ.” And so begins the section on vowed life in You Are Sent, the constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. I first read that sentence when I was an S.S.N.D. novice, but in reflecting on my vocation journey, I discover that my heart knew those words long before entering the convent.

I first read that sentence when I was an S.S.N.D. novice, but in reflecting on my vocation journey, I discover that my heart knew those words long before entering the convent.

Attention, All Youth Artists And Art Club Moderators

Youth of our diocese take heed! It’s time to sharpen your colored pencils, organize your crayon box, and clean up your brushes and paints. The Tablet’s annual Christ Is Risen Student Artwork Competition is at hand.

Billy Graham, Our Brother

The Rev. Billy Graham, the famous U.S. Evangelical preacher, who was immensely famous in the 20th century for his “Crusades” and acted as an advisor to many U.S. presidents, passed away Feb. 21 at the age of 99. Rev. Graham was known for going beyond the thought of many Evangelical Protestants with an openness to Catholicism, seeing the shared faith and the good works that came from the Catholic Church.