Compromise on DACA

Dear Editor: The DACAns/Dreamers should get a long, crime free path to citizenship in exchange for all the things which will prevent the problem from re-occurring: the Wall, mandatory e-verify, stiffer penalties for overstaying visas, and elimination of birthright citizenship. Those here illegally, or on visitor, student, temporary worker, diplomatic, etc. visas should not be able to produce American citizens.

Inspiring Vocation Story

Dear Editor: A note of thanks to guest columnist, seminarian Michael Francis Falce for his simple and beautiful vocation story. I have made copies of it and will be sharing it with my Confirmation students for years to come. God bless him and all of our priests and future priests.

Leave Angel Guardian Alone

Dear Editor: Local Bay Ridge newspapers report residents and politicians still wish to control the future of the buildings that remain from the Angel Guardian Home, now closed. The senior citizens who once enjoyed meetings rooms in the home are dispossessed and not happy.

Holy Week Pilgrimages

Dear Editor: Your recent Editor’s Space (Feb. 24) suggestion for a Lenten pilgrimage of churches echoed a personal tradition which I followed for many years when the energy and agility of youth permitted, visiting as many churches as I could manage on Good Fridays, morning to well after dark, rain or shine, and once even traveling during a light snowfall.

Sick of the Violence

IN HER 1971 collection of poetry entitled “A Grain of Mustard Seed,” the late poet, novelist and journal-writer May Sarton wrote:

Hope and Courage as The Altar Draws Closer

by Brendon Harfmann

A brother seminarian recently sent greetings from Rome and spoke of the excitement building up within as our ordinations to the transitional diaconate and priesthood draw closer.

Sister Ave Tells Story of a Modern-Day Missionary

Arthur Mirell’s love for Jesus originated with free hot dogs, a carnival and a friendly priest. As recalled by his longtime friend, Sister Ave Clark, O.P., during an interview with me for The Christophers’ radio show, Arthur was a young Jewish boy in Brooklyn, when he was walking by a church one day. The parish priest invited Arthur and some other children to come enjoy a carnival the church was having. The other kids quickly accepted the invitation, but Arthur just stood there and responded, “I’m not Catholic.”

Unholy TV Chatter

There are some, and it has even been debated in the pages of this newspaper, who doubt anti-Catholicism actually exists. The answer to this is yes, it most certainly does exist if you mean prejudice against those who practice their Catholic faith, and attempt to live a holistic life according to its standards and teachings.

Abortion in State Budget

Dear Editor: I was reading the article “Bad State Budget News Taints Hopeful Events With Great Sadness” (Feb. 17) by Cardinal Timothy Dolan.