Letters to the Editor

Abortion in State Budget

Dear Editor: I was reading the article “Bad State Budget News Taints Hopeful Events With Great Sadness” (Feb. 17) by Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

The article started out very informatively on what the N.Y.S. governor has in store for pro-lifers and unborn babies in danger of abortion in the state budget proposal.

To say the least, it is an evil plan to expand abortions in New York. All Catholics should educate themselves on this issue. My problem with the article is that the cardinal stops there. He does not inform N.Y. Catholics on what godly actions they could take to stop this crime and tragedy.

Besides, he just goes on and speaks of what will be happening to New York Catholic and private schools.

Yes, that is important but abortion is a matter of life and death. We must do something to save the babies from the evil budget action.

Pre-born babies are in danger of abortion in New York more than anywhere else. No priest or religious or bishop or cardinal should pose with pro-abort pols!




Editor’s Note: The cardinal and all the bishops of New York have urged us all to visit www.nyscatholic.org and participate in the lobbying of New York’s politicians.