Leadership by Example

Dear Editor: I would like to take a moment to congratulate Ms. Jennifer Baptiste, a true model of lay leadership, who was honored for her ministry as a missionary disciple at the diocese’s 50th anniversary of lay leadership celebration (“Diocese Celebrates Five Decades of Lay Leadership,”Nov. 17).

No Birthright Citizenship

Dear Editor: I would like to support Dennis Duffy’s comments (Readers’ Forum, Nov. 10) supporting President Trump’s amendment to end birthright citizenship.

Long Live Christ The King

SOMETHING SEEMS seriously out of place! We have just celebrated Thanksgiving, and according to the holiday calendar of the marketplace, Black Friday followed on its heels and Cyber Monday is coming up.

Birthright Citizenship

Dear Editor: Hooray for President Trump for reading all the words in the 14th Amendment (President Trump Plans to End Birthright Citizenship, The Tablet, Nov. 3).

Focusing On What Really Matters

WE ARE LIVING in troubling and violent times! On Oct. 27, a gunman entered the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh during Sabbath services.

Serving God and Country: A Veteran and Priest

As we approach the 11th day of the 11th month, 100 years after the end of the First World War, let us ask the Prince of Peace to remove all prejudice, hatred and division from within our hearts.

Biblical Roots of Migration

When we examine things theologically, we examine them through God’s Reason, his Word Incarnate, Jesus Christ our Lord. All issues in the created world can and indeed must be studied through a theological perspective.

The Church Doctrine

Dear Editor: What the Church needs to do is be less concerned with everyone’s feelings and more concerned with upholding and teaching Church doctrine, being faithful to the magisterium of the Catholic Church. Most people are poorly catechized and have no understanding of what the Church teaches or why the Church teaches what it does. Priests like Father Martin only cause further confusion.

No Place Like Home

Dear Editor: Jerry Maren, who portrayed the Lollipop kid in the 1939 classic “The Wizard of Oz,” was the last surviving Munchkin of the 125 little people who were in the film.