Politics and Due Process

Dear Editor: Now that judge Kavanaugh has been confirmed, the opposition is hoping to win the House in November so they can begin proceedings to impeach him.

The Crime of Abortion

Dear Editor: America was founded with the protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights protected by our Constitution have been called inalienable, i.e. they cannot be taken away. In my service in the Catholic Church, I hear “For the right to life from conception to natural death, we pray to the Lord.”

Bishop Caggiano

Dear Editor: He’s my bishop now (“Bishop Caggiano: Accountability Key For Bishops’ Summit,” The Tablet, Oct. 27) and I’m thankful for that, for his support of our Traditional Latin Mass community in Norwalk. I have a feeling, however, that he’s destined for a much bigger stage than Bridgeport, Conn.

Bring Back the Latin Mass

Dear Editor: When the Mass was in Latin I loved it because everyone in our community was there. We were all so close. At attendance were Irish, Italian, Philippine, Polish, Spanish and many more. It was great when we got together to fundraise for the church. I learned so much their traditions, foods and beliefs. We never left Mass without stopping to chat.

The Synagogue Massacre

Dear Editor: When I heard about the mass shootings in the Tree of Life Synagogue in the city of Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood on Saturday, October 27, 2018, my first reaction was to pray to God for mercy on their souls and to pray to Our Lady of Sorrows for her loving grace and consolation for all the families affected by this violence.

Novels Can Transform Our Consciousness

WHILE WRITING this series, I have been thinking about something Frank Sheed wrote many years ago in his book “Theology and Sanity.” He correctly claimed that sanity means living in the real world and that religious faith unveils reality at its greatest depth. I recall Sheed saying that novelist Graham Greene writes as though the headline on the morning paper was “Son of God dies on a cross for us.”

Listen, Discern and Live Your Calling from God

by Father Sean M. Suckiel

This week, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates National Vocation Awareness Week. It is a week-long celebration dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, religious life, diaconate and married life through prayer and education.

God’s Love Has No Off Season

I should confess to being just a bit distracted as I begin to write this column. That is because I am watching the opening innings of the first game of this year’s World Series.

Her Name Was Caroline

Her name was Caroline and she was known by all of the residents in the Richmond Hill section of Jamaica Avenue as the lady with the broom. Caroline was a staple of this southeastern section of Queens, doing her best to keep the streets and street corners clean of any and all trash every day.

Advocate of Immigrants

In his 1999 apostolic exhortation, “Ecclesia in America,” Pope Saint John Paul II, wrote: “It is appropriate to recall that the foundation on which all human rights rest is the dignity of the person. God’s masterpiece, man, is made in the divine image and likeness. Jesus took on our human nature, except for sin; he […]