Who Is Afraid of the Knights of Columbus?

As if the political scene in the United States couldn’t get crazier, now come charges from two U.S. Senators that the Knights of Columbus is an extremist organization.

We Carry Those We Love With Us Always

Although a quarter of a century has passed since the deaths of his beloved grandmothers, Msgr. Steven Ferrari says he can still recall the upheaval in his family at the time. The winds of grief and sadness blew, the torrents of release and tears crashed against the rocks of faith.

Beautiful Missa Cantata

DEAR EDITOR: Responding to some recent letters I would like to let the residents of Queens know that a beautiful Missa cantata is celebrated every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in St. Josaphat’s Church in Bayside, Queens, by Father Stephen Saffron. He also celebrates many Latin Masses for feast days and recently has offered daily Rorate Masses at 6:35 am during Advent.

Ukraine Complex History

Dear Editor: John Allen writes (“Why Ukraine Church’s Drive for Independence Matters to Rome,” The Tablet, Dec. 22): “During the Soviet era, fealty to the Patriarch of Moscow was imposed down the barrel of a gun, rendering, among others, the Greek Catholic Church in the country the world’s largest illegal religious body.”

A Few New Subscribers

Dear Editor: Thank you for publishing a very informative newspaper. I enjoy reading it and share the information I see.

A Comfort and Sign of Hope

Last week, when we were receiving donations and sending Bright Christmas checks to parishes and diocesan organizations, we received a remarkable letter that was published last week in the Readers’ Forum. Candy Ross wrote:

Extra! Extra! Can You Read All About It?

by Greg Erlandson

Fifty-three journalists were killed worldwide in 2018. Some died in war, but a shocking number died exposing corruption, covering protests or just doing their job. Time magazine called them and their harassed and persecuted colleagues “Guardians” of truth, and named them collectively “Person of the Year.”

Free College Education?

Dear Editor: John Russo (Readers’ Forum, Dec. 8) expresses opposition to free college education. While he is referring to a NYS expense, he raises an issue that is now also in discussion on the federal level. The same day that I read Mr. Russo’s letter, I read an article by CNBC’s National Security Reporter, Amanda […]

Msgr. Perfecto Vasquez

Dear Editor: I was a parishioner of Guardian Angel Parish when Msgr. Perfecto Vasquez was pastor. After every Mass, he always said, “Let us do our best and God will do the rest.” This was deeply refreshing in a world that wants to do it all by themselves.

All the Marvelous Work

Dear Editor: Msgr. Vazquez was our first parish priest to honestly connect with our Hispanic parish community (“Msgr. Vazquez Was Brooklyn Diocese’s First Hispanic Pastor,” The Tablet, Nov. 17). Even though my Dad spoke English, mom was always shy, but when Msgr. Perfecto visited she really participated in the conversation with our special priest, Father Vazquez.