Class Dismissed: Rethinking The Catholic School Model

Increasing enrollment while remaining on solid financial footing is the enigmatic challenge faced by Catholic school leaders across the nation. While many are resolved to the idea that Catholic schools can no longer survive, let alone thrive, the potential still exists to prove otherwise. What to do? Three initial steps would serve to jump start a renewal.

Abortion Survivors Bill

Dear Editor: Great editorial (“What Kind of Society Allows This to Happen?,” March 2). Thank you for asking the question so eloquently.

We Should Pray

Dear Editor: In light of the recent extension of abortion procedures made legal by the dreadful leadership of Gov. Cuomo and the Democratic State government, Bishop DiMarzio makes a forceful case for not excommunicating Andrew Cuomo (Let’s Not Judge, Let’s Pray for Gov. Cuomo, Feb.2 ,2019).

Heart to Heart Ministry

Dear Editor: On Feb. 16th, a sunny and cold Saturday morning, Sister Ave Clark held her “Wonderful Women Retreat,” the first in her series of retreats to celebrate the 25th anniversary of her Heart to Heart Ministry.

This Heinous Bill

Dear Editor: The recent passing of the infanticide-friendly abortion law has an official name: “The Reproductive Health Act.” One might think, by its title, that it has something to do with reproduction (not killing), and the health and safety of both the mother and the baby.

A Steadfast Faith

Dear Editor: Deacon Franco’s steadfast faith despite his experience of abuse is inspiring (“A Moment of Grace, Affirmation and Vindication,” March 2).

A Golden Opportunity

Dear Editor: Did bishops, priests and deacons miss a golden opportunity to speak about the horrific legislation passed legalizing late term abortions during their homilies on Sunday, February 3?

A Good, Faithful Servant

Auxiliary Bishop Rene A. Valero, who died this past week, was a significant figure in the life of the Church in Brooklyn and Queens. He was the first person of Hispanic heritage to be ordained as a Bishop for the diocese. He also performed pioneer service for Catholic Charities, the Office of Hispanic Ministry and the Catholic Migration Office.

Spiritual Life Is About Climbing Mountains

St. Paul tells us in the second reading that “our citizenship is in heaven.” The goal of every Christian must be to get to heaven. It is promised to us, but not assured if we do not listen to Jesus. All of our work on earth – all of our praying, fasting, almsgiving – is preparation to live as citizens of heaven.