We Are All on That Same Journey

by Msgr. Joseph P. CaliseIn 2010, Emilio Estevez directed a film starring Martin Sheen as a father, Tom, traveling to retrieve the remains of his son who died in a storm in the Pyrenees Mountains while walking El Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage in the footsteps of Saint James.

The Pope and Teens

About three months ago, I was invited to give a talk to a class of juniors at a Catholic high school. Though in my more than 55 years as a priest and almost as many years as a professor, I have given countless talks, I was a little anxious because an audience of high school students isn’t my usual audience. The subject I was invited to speak about was the great Catholic short story writer Flannery O’Connor.

Preparing for the Ad Limina

Beginning this November, for the first time in his Pontificate, His Holiness, Pope Francis, will have ad limina visits from the Bishops of the United States. Usually, bishops come as a group every five years to meet with the Holy Father. However, due to scheduling and other factors, ad limina visits (which means, from the Latin, “to the threshold”) had to be rescheduled. Other English-speaking nations, like the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and the Australian Bishops’ Conference, had their meetings with the Holy Father.

Msgr. Quinn’s Cause Proceeds

The Church has a long tradition of carefully examining the causes of the saints. In fact, there is an entire department at the Vatican devoted to this important task. Saints are presented to us as models of Christian living, not only to encourage us for greater efforts of sanctity but at the same time becoming our intercessors before the throne of God. After more than ten years of diocesan investigation, last week we concluded the diocesan phase of the study, so that the life of the Reverend Msgr. Bernard John Quinn has been able to be presented to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Holy See.

Priests Need Other Priests

Not too long ago, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio told me a story of the time he was a young priest and how he cared for his grandfather as his grandfather became older and in need of medical attention.

The Catholic Joyce Family

Dear Editor: James Joyce would agree with the June 8th editorial: “The Courage of the Newly Ordained.” In his story “The Sisters,”Joyce reflects, “I wondered how anybody had ever found in himself the courage” to be priest.

Closing St. Joseph HS

Dear Editor: I am saddened by this – I graduated from St. Joseph’s in 1963 (“After 115 Years, St. Joseph HS to Close in 2020,” May 25).

Life Affirming Choices

Dear Editor: Thank you for the coverage (“An Emotional Pro-Life Rally in Albany Rebukes State’s New Abortion Law,” June 8).

Religious Persecution

Dear Editor: I would like to congratulate you on the editorial (“Religious Repression Unabated in China,” June 1).