Free Press Is Essential to Democracy

Dear Editor: Free press is the country’s defense against total government control of the people and to hold people in government accountable.

In Defense of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Dear Editor: I take offense of the cartoon you printed in the July 27, 2019 issue.  To show a depiction of the pharmaceutical industry as a greedy industry raising prices of pharmaceuticals by thousands of a percent is very deceitful.

American Citizens Deserve Help Too

Dear Editor: Catholic Extension has announced their Aid for Families of Deported Breadwinners program (The Tablet website, Aug. 9).

About the Validity of Canonical Marriage

Dear Editor: A concerned parent wrote and asked if their marriage, and the marriages of two of their children, which were celebrated by a priest who later left the priesthood, were still considered valid. They can rest assured that they are.

Mary, Our Queen

On Aug. 15, we as the Church celebrated the great solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As we know, it was a Holy Day of Obligation, one in which countless parishes around the Diocese of Brooklyn celebrated multiple Holy Masses, and it is our hope that they were well attended.

Suffering as Part of Faith

by Father Patrick LongalongWhen I was at my first parish assignment as a priest, I became friends with many families, especially at the parish’s academy. One child of Indian descent deeply expressed to his mother about his desire to be a Catholic. She gave it much reflection and thought, which led to her decision to also become a Catholic along with her son on Easter Vigil.

Together We Can End Hunger and Homelessness

by Crystal Teresa WolfeFrom Scriptures we know we all have a purpose under heaven. We are born to use our gifts to help others and to glorify God. Because God wastes nothing, we are also meant to transform and transcend our painful experiences and circumstances for the benefit of others. When we know there is suffering and injustice around us, I believe we can be used as God’s hands on this earth to alleviate that suffering. Hope can be found in the solutions, and every problem has a solution.

Owing St. Anthony Big Time!

by Msgr. Steven Ferrari“Oh, my God! I think I threw away my wallet!” My 21-year-old niece, Marlina, sat next to me at the Irish Rep Theatre on West 22nd Street, off Sixth Avenue, in Manhattan. It was intermission of a matinee performance of Sean O’Casey’s “Juno and the Paycock.” Marlina was frantically searching the contents of her large backpack.

Catholic Veneration for the Remains of the Dead

Dear Editor: Edward Dorney misses the point (“About Human Composting,” Readers’ Forum, July 27).  Weigel defending religious sensibilities such as veneration for the remains of the dead is clearly not motivated by sanctimony towards the secularity that actually is sanctimonious.