Stop PC Kowtowing

Dear Editor: I want to thank Father David Bertolotti for his magnificent and very inspiring letter (Feb. 14) titled “Cuomo’s Personal Choice.”

Modern Martyrdom

The militants of the Islamic State (ISIS) released a video entitled “A Message Signed in Blood to the Nation of the Cross” in which they released a warning saying they were “south of Rome.” They then proceeded to murder, by beheading 21 Coptic Christian men. These Christian men were seen, on the video calling on the Holy Name of Jesus as they were savagely murdered.

Great Homilists in Diocese

Dear Editor: This is in response to your request (Feb. 7) for those priests/deacons whose love for the Sacred Liturgy and Sacred Word have edified parishioners with that same love.

Holy Cross Cager Honors Late Grandpa

Holy Cross H.S. junior basketball forward Christian Wilson has dedicated the rest of the seasons to honor his grandfather who passed away.

Ukrainian Pope

Dear Editor: I disagree with Albert Licata’s referral (Jan. 24, Readers’ Forum) to Kirel I, starring Anthony Quinn in the movie, “Shoes of the Fisherman,” as being the “first non-Italian Pope, in this case, a Russian.” In both his novel and the movie, Australian writer, Morris West, portrays Kirel I as the first elected Ukrainian Pope. However, I […]

Searching for Carmelites

Dear Editor: I am originally from St. Nicholas of Tolentine parish in the Bronx, and was so blessed to meet several Carmelite priests from Kerala there in the late 1950s. I am traveling to India next month, specifically to Kerala, and am hoping to at least visit the monastery from which they came. The three […]

Understanding the Pope

It seems that just about every time Pope Francis makes wonderfully “shocking” statements, there are those in the Church who try to slice and dice the value of his words by adding phrases such as “taking his words out of context,” “not what the Church teaches,” “this is what the Pope really means,” and so on.

Greatest Job in the World

Dear Editor: As the late Father James Dunne often told the story – when he was a teenager, he attended Cathedral Prep in Brooklyn and when the young men went to confession, they would have to identify themselves as seminarians.

Bright Christmas Thank Yous

Dear Editor: Please accept my personal and heartfelt “Thank You” for the generous grants from The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Fund in support of the work of Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens. This generosity truly demonstrates The Tablet’s compassion for our neighbors in need. These gifts and caring concern are true blessings to our neighbors in […]