Missing Msgr. Sivillo

Dear Editor: This is in response to the obituary of Msgr. Nicholas Sivillo (April 18).

I was a parishioner of Our Lady of Hope from my baptism (at age 18 days) until recently. I was an altar boy (that’s what we called them back then) from November, 1975 to October, 1985, and an usher under both Msgr. Sivillo and the present pastor, Father Carrano.

The Studious Saint

Dear Editor: The April 11 edition of The Tablet had a column by Farrah Connell who wrote about St. Joseph Cupertino, patron saint of studying. She advised St. Joseph was very helpful to her when she was taking a very important exam. A few days after I read her article, my nephew was to take a very important test on the 16th of April.

Enthusiastic Evangelization

Dear Editor: After First Communion Mass at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Brooklyn Heights, the pastor, Father Edward Doran, challenged us to be fruitful vines (following the papal directive about no boring homilies!), read up about our church, take a Tablet home and read it!

Meaning of Conversion

This past Sunday, Cuban President Raul Castro visited with our Holy Father, Pope Francis, in anticipation of the pope’s visit to Cuba this September. In his interview afterwards, Castro indicated that he is thinking about returning to the faith and going back to Mass due to Pope Francis. Castro said that he reads everything that our Holy Father writes and is very impressed by his approach.

Letting the Spirit Lead the Way

RECENTLY, HOLY CROSS Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, president emeritus of the University of Notre Dame, passed away at the age of 97. During my years at Notre Dame, Father Ted, as some of us called him, became a mentor and a friend whose guidance has been imprinted on every decision I made since our first meeting in 1997.

Hillary’s Absurd Thinking

Hillary Clinton recently demonstrated a warped view of religious freedom. While speaking at the Sixth Annual Women in the World Summit, Mrs. Clinton clearly stated: “Rights have to exist in practice – not just on paper,” and “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will… And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

Pope’s Advice on Homilies

Dear Editor: Reading the article (May 2) about the Holy Father exhorting new priests to avoid “boring homilies” made me think about my experience sitting in the pews during my lifetime.

Interest in Quinn Grows

Dear Editor: In reference to your splendid coverage (April 18) of Msgr. Bernard J. Quinn’s memorial Mass, please note that the majority of  persons attending it were from diverse parishes from the Brooklyn and Rockville Centre Dioceses and not just from St. Peter Claver Church. The Cause for Father Quinn’s canonization has thus moved beyond […]

Boost for the Saint

Dear Editor: I just wanted to thank you so much for placing my article about St. Joseph of Cupertino in The Tablet (April 11). I absolutely love the spot that you placed it in. It really brought great exposure to it. I was also thrilled to see that you put in a picture of St. Joseph of Cupertino. I wanted the focus to be on him, so I’m really glad that his photo got put in instead of mine. It worked out perfectly.

Another Cop Shot

News that another New York City police officer has been murdered saddens and disturbs us. A new disrespect for the law and peace officers has gripped the city and indeed the nation. Officer Brian Moore was a young man whose life’s ambition was to be a policeman. It was a family tradition. He died in an attempt to keep our streets free of crime.