Christians and the Ecology

Dear Editor: Margaret Riconda (May 9) is being less than honest in associating fracking operations with low-level earthquakes in Oklahoma. Geologist Matthew Hornback, who has studied the condition for 30 years, testifying just this month before Congress, said, “We’re not talking at all about fracking, In fact, it’s disconcerting, frankly, that people keep using that term in the press.”

Homelessness Is Real

Dear Editor: Your addressing of the growing moral bankruptcy of the Hillary agenda needs to be followed up with Catholic action. One of the major roadblocks that is militating against family life is our growing acceptance of homelessness. How can we expect parents and children to grow in love of God and neighbor when they […]

The Catholic Novel

Dear Editor: I always enjoy Father Robert Lauder’s column in The Tablet. A recent column brought back many memories for me of a priest who taught English at St. Francis College in the late 1940s and 1950s. Father Gerard M. Murray introduced his students to Graham Greene, Evelyn Waugh and the Catholic novel. Much like Father Lauder, he intimated that they present a profoundly deep understanding of human nature.

The Vatican and Ecology

Dear Editor: It was good to see the front-page coverage (May 9) given to Pope Francis’ eagerly awaited ecology encyclical and to the role Catholic groups are playing in the attempt to protect the environment from climate change and other kinds of degradation; I remember the excellent coverage given to the part religious groups played in the Climate March in New York City last September.

Jumping to Conclusions

Many newspapers are jumping to conclusions about the transfer of Father Warren Hall, a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, from his position of director of campus ministry at Seton Hall University, South Orange, N.J.

Romero Lives in the Salvadoran People

“If they kill me, I shall rise in the Salvadoran people” – The legacy of Oscar Romero. I have heard this statement of the late Archbishop Oscar Romero countless times as I showed the movie “Romero” every semester to my high school students and read it over and over in books and publications about him. But while in El Salvador in March celebrating the 35th anniversary of his assassination, I saw the truth and reality of these words as I walked and prayed with the Salvadoran people.

Don’t Forget the Choir Members

Dear Editor: I’m a parishioner of St. Brendan’s Church in Midwood, Brooklyn, and it has been wonderful reading about the great homilists from various churches in our diocese. But how about our fantastic choirs that lead us in song every Sunday!

My Sister, Sister Mary

Dear Editor: I’d like to thank Joseph Manago for his glowing letter (April 25) on my sister, Sister Mary Alma, R.S.M.

St. Patrick’s, Kent. Ave.

Dear Editor: We lived in St. Patrick’s parish (Kent Ave.) and were educated by the Sisters of Mercy and Franciscan Brothers. These two religious communities furnished us with a remarkable education, starting in elementary school right to high school.

Memories of Cathedral

Dear Editor: It was with happy memories that I read Peter Farley’s letter (April 4) remembering Father Andy Varano, his wonderful voice, and his performance in Cathedral College’s presentation of “Murder in the Cathedral.” Indeed, Andy’s “rich and resonant” voice was, and is, memorable!