Too Much Shaking Going On

Dear Editor: In Mr. Yang’s letter (May 2) on “Not Buying Global Warming,” he states that “earthquakes are not caused by fracking.”

The Love of Christ Never Changes

I AM PARTICULARLY happy today to have the opportunity to offer this column to you because today is my 40th anniversary in the priesthood. I was ordained by Bishop Francis Mugavero on Saturday, May 10, 1975 in the Church of SS. Simon and Jude, Gravesend, where I had been serving as a deacon.

The Geometry of Leadership

I’VE BEEN THINKING a lot these days about the geometry of leadership. Those thoughts are prompted by invitations I have had to speak to college students about leadership and also by the recent death of a great educational leader, Holy Cross Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, and by the emergence in Iowa and New Hampshire of presidential hopefuls as the primary season begins to heat up.

Sometimes God Tells You to Slow Down

By Bill Dodds Sometimes I sense that God is telling me to rest awhile. And I strongly suspect that sometimes that’s what He’s telling you. I’ve come to realize what I need to pay attention to, what I need to remind myself of, is Christ telling the apostles to “come away … and rest awhile” […]

Standing Tall in the Presence of The Lord

BARNABAS IS AN unsung hero of the New Testament – or at least one who is not “sung” enough. Finding himself in a similar place to one in which we often find ourselves, his response is a whole lot more satisfying than the response we all-too-often give.

A Modern Martyr: Father van der Lugt

A little over a year ago, Jesuit Father Frans van der Lugt was assassinated in Syria. His story is inspirational for the sheer faithfulness and integrity of his witness. I keep his picture in my office to remind me of this witness.

Grateful for the Sisters

Dear Editor: Please thank Sister Karen Cavanagh, C.S.J., for her inspirational reflection on the feasts of Our Lord’s Resurrection and Divine Mercy. They truly touched my heart.

Not Buying Global Warming

Dear Editor: Joe Muller (Readers’ Forum, April 18) indulges unjust accusations toward Republicans, the object of his expressed contempt, with unfounded claims of global catastrophes. Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree? Please. Not even one hundredth of one percent of scientists have had their views solicited, notwithstanding the growing trend to persecute scientists who question the purpose behind promoting the unproven theory of man-made climate change.

Commitment to the Future

An aging infrastructure and personnel and an eye toward the future demand that the Diocese take certain financial measures into account, and so it has announced that it will undergo a major capital campaign.