Energized, Encouraged by the Spirit

LAST WEEK’S FEAST of Pentecost is a wonderful time to meditate on when we are feeling depressed. Why do I say that? Think about “eh” state of the Apostles before the coming of the Spirit. They had a lofty work to accomplish but were totally incapable of carrying it out. Jesus had said: “Go into the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”

Hero Among the Finest

Dear Editor: After reading about Detective Stephen McDonald’s visit to the St. John’s Prep students, I think it would be so wonderful if he could visit many parishes in Queens and Brooklyn and give his very inspirational talk on forgiveness.

Questions About Our Language

Dear Editor: The May 23rd Tablet featured two bishops-elect. What is a bishop-elect? Is it someone nominated by the pope but not officially anointed/ordained/ consecrated? (I’m not sure of the official name.)

Celebration for Retiring Pastor

Dear Editor: What a pleasure it was to join in the celebration of St. Ephrem’s Monsignor Peter Kain’s 50th anniversary jubilee! It was an affair at which every invited guest was happy to attend.

Not Impartial About Police

Dear Editor: The May 9 editorial “Another Cop Shot” fails to point out that many police abuses and misconduct are frequently committed by police officers who come from strong families, and who have many friends and colleagues. They are, in not a few cases, self-identified Catholics who go to church every Sunday. The current backlash […]

Thanks for World Communications Day

Dear Editor: I want to thank you and DeSales Media group for your excellent coordination of the World Communications Day event.

Hillary Clinton’s Issues

Dear Editor: Is anyone really surprised that there are so many ethical and political issues circling Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for president? Yes, one can make the case for her credentials, I admit, but during her time in politics she and her husband have created the very real perception that they are above the rules.

The Age of Confirmation

This past Pentecost, Archbishop Samuel Aquila of Denver released an interesting pastoral letter entitled “Saints Among Us.”

Choice in Education

There is a full court press on to gain passage of the Education Tax Credit proposal in Albany. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has thrown the full weight of his office behind it in spite of Democratic Party opposition in the Assembly.

Congratulations to the Graduates of 2015

When the graduating class of St. Francis Prep, Fresh Meadows, files into St. John’s University on Saturday, June 6, another academic year will be concluding. But here at the Prep, education and faith always continues! We have an expression that we use frequently – “High school is four years, But St. Francis Prep is forever!”