Mike Piazza’s ‘Bodyguard’

Dear Editor: I enjoyed the letter (“Mike Piazza and Bishop ‘Iggy’,”Jan. 23) written by Philip McBride about Mike Piazza’s Easter Vigil visit to Holy Family Church in Fresh Meadows. I was the NYPD officer who was Mike’s “bodyguard” that night. I coordinated the Sunday Mass at Shea Stadium for the players and employees while I […]

Another Fan of Liberals

Dear Editor: I could not agree more with Mary Geraghty’s letter (“We’re Indebted to Liberals,” Feb. 6). Yes, we are truly indebted to the liberals of our society. It has always been those liberal politicians who have worked for the social justice issues that are most important to the needy in our society. On the […]

Reading Recommendation

Dear Editor: Lent has begun. Many ask what they might give up for Lent or what they might do during Lent.

Fond Memories of Nun

Dear Editor: I have fond memories of Sister Anne Michel Pavell, C.S.J., (Obituaries, Jan. 16) from St. Augustine parish in the early 1960s. I will always remember her as a vibrant young woman devoted to her faith and students. She exemplified the heroic and self-sacrificing women of that glorious era in Catholic education when religious […]

The Call Continues

Dear Editor: As I read Bishop DiMarzio’s column (Jan. 30), I thought back to my high school days when young women entered religious congregations each year – 30, 50 and even 100 each year. The times have changed and the young women of today have so many more wonderful, enriching opportunities open to them, and rightly so.

Life’s Lessons at C.K.

Dear Editor: It was a breath of fresh air to read the article (Jan. 23) about the wonderful work of fostering a culture of life that Christ the King H.S., Middle Village, has done with its young people. The principal, vice principal, and faculty should be commended. The article goes into the three-week lessons ending with the March for Life in Washington on Jan. 22.

The Chiarelli Family Legacy

Dear Editor: As many of you know, Chiarelli’s Religious Goods has called its Brooklyn location “home” for over 78 years. This store and its location have an abundance of memories for me. It has connected me to my customers, to my faith and to my own family history.

We’re Indebted to Liberals

Dear Editor: This self-righteous moral stance and virtuous indignation of the letter titled “Life-Is-Cheap Culture” (Jan. 23) misses the larger picture. Social disintegration, which the writer attributes to shallow, ignorant, yet sophisticated liberals, is extremely narrow in focus. Although accused of causing the world’s spiritual decay, liberals are the very people who prod our social […]

Again, Education Tax Credit

This past week, we celebrated Catholic Schools Week, not only in our own diocese but in Sees across the country. The nation is indebted to Catholic schools, not only because of the talent they have contributed to society, but also because of the costs they have saved the government that would have had to educate all those students in public schools.

Missionaries of Mercy

This coming Ash Wednesday at the Vatican, Pope Francis will send forth “Missionaries of Mercy,” priests recommended by their bishops to be “living signs of the Father’s readiness to welcome those in search of His pardon.” From what we understand, there will be 800 Missionaries of Mercy commissioned, 100 for the United States alone. During this Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, they will be available, at the request of local bishops, to lead retreats and preach spiritual conferences.