The Contraceptive Mentality

Dear Editor: While thousands of people attended the March for Life in Washington D.C., there is a very important aspect that is overlooked and needs mention. We cannot eradicate abortion without eliminating the use of contraception. St. John Paul II tells us they are fruits from the same tree and a contributing factor in the culture of death, as well as same-sex marriage.

Irish Need Not Enter

Dear Editor: In response to Carolyn Y. Woo’s column: “Encountering our Muslim Neighbors” (Jan. 23): I flew out of London on Pan Am Flight 103 a week before it was blown apart over Lockerbie, Scotland. Of course, air travel today is very different worldwide than what it was originally. Fear and security dominates everywhere. Ms. […]

Care Center Closes Doors

Dear Editor: During Advent, a story of the Nativity reminds us of the plight of Mary and Joseph who were unable to find suitable lodgings in Bethlehem. The Nativity story also reminds us that many seriously developmentally disabled residents of Brooklyn are unable to find suitable lodgings in our own diocese.

Keep In Touch with Elderly

Dear Editor: Thank you to Sister Constance Veit, l.s.p., for her ideas (Jan. 16) on using technology for older people. Using music and song is a wonderful way to reach seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Monfortian Ministry

Dear Editor: I have been blessed and thankful to work for the last 33 years with the Montfort Missionary priests. These men came to America in the early 1900s along with the Daughters of Wisdom to establish parishes and schools. Saint Mary Gate of Heaven in Ozone Park has been run by the Montforts since the early 1900s.

The Example of Paul

Saul of Tarsus, whose conversion to the faith we celebrated on Jan. 25, is a fascinating man. We can learn many things from his life and conversion, most especially that it’s okay to be human, provided we allow grace to build upon our human nature.

Still We March

The day before the Jonas storm dumped 26.8 inches of snow on New York City, tens of thousands descended upon Washington, D.C., as they have since the Supreme Court’s terrible Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. They were there to witness to the world, to the president and all lawmakers, of the value of human life, from conception to natural death.

May All Be One

This week marks the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This ecumenical effort is not merely a nice thing to do, but it is indeed a command of the Lord Jesus, from His priestly prayer in the 17th chapter of the Gospel of John – “Ut Unum Sint,” or “That they might be one.” It is the Lord’s will that all of His followers be one in Him, as He is in the Father and the Holy Spirit.

PP Doesn’t Deserve Funding

Dear Editor: For several months, there has been much discussion regarding Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling fetal tissue from aborted fetuses that came to light as a result of undercover videos. Currently, Congress is debating a bill which would defund Planned Parenthood. I urge all my fellow Catholics to contact their Congressman / woman and […]