Political Incorrectness

The tragedy of the Orlando nightclub massacre is the awful loss of life that occurred there. This largest terrorist incident since 9/11/01 reminds us that the threats from the radical sect of Islam continues to be a real factor in day-to-day life, not just in the United States but around the globe.

The Church Is Not a ‘Brand’

Dear Editor: Many absurd ideas have been generated by Orwellian Catholicism, the half century long Catholic dissident movement, but few as scandalous to God as listening to Father Thomas Rosica’s talk (May 21) about the Church “rebranding” itself.

Thank You, Sister Margaret Mary

Dear Editor: I have just read (May 14) of the much too early death of Sister Margaret Mary Caulson. I knew her as Sister Mary Ronan, I.H.M. She was my eighth grade teacher, 1968-69, at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School in Forest Hills.

Parish Plans for Environment

Dear Editor: As the anniversary of “Laudato Si’” draws near on June 18, many parishes in the diocese are beginning to plan activities for their churches. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has published a Discussion Guide for “Laudato Si’.” The USCCB provides us all with a comprehensive look into the inspiration from Pope Francis.

SSNDs Will be Missed

Dear Editor: As a lifelong parishioner of St. Matthias in Ridgewood, I was saddened by the news that the School Sisters of Notre Dame are planning to leave the parish at the end of the school year. Since 1910, the Sisters have been the driving force of the mission of our parish school. Anyone who knows of St. Matthias School knows the SSNDs and the tradition of excellence they carry with them.

The Role of The Laity

This past week, Pope Francis took three dicasteries at the Vatican and merged them into one: The Pontifical Council for the Family, the Pontifical Council for laity, and the Pontifical Academy for Life (which deals with pro-life activities) will be as of Sept. 1, one Pontifical Council for Laity, Family, and Life.

Remembering Father Dell’Anno

Dear Editor: I remember the late Father Anthony Dell’Anno fondly from Immaculate Heart of Mary parish.

Empathy for the immigrants

Dear Editor: Regarding Bishop DiMarzio’s recent column (May 21) regarding immigration, the bishop opposes a two-class system and mentions the experience of black slaves in America. The black slaves came to America in chains. Today’s undocumented come of their own volition, acknowledging that many come because of extreme adversity in their native countries. Others come for opportunity.

Two Social Viruses

Dear Editor: In a recent edition, there were several clarion calls for action in defense of our Catholic and faith-based teachings of the Gospel of Christ in the contemporary secular humanist war against our Church teachings and God’s Commandments as the foundation of our world’s moral and ethical value system and code. These were topped off by The Tablet’s page-one headline “Solution for Conscience Clause” (April 30), the basis of which is a government mandated insult to all men and women of good faith and a denial of their First Amendment rights.

Congrats to Our Priests

Dear Editor: Congratulations and many thanks for the Priests’ Jubilees which you published in The Tablet (May 21).