Gift of Priesthood

We are blessed in the Diocese of Brooklyn with the gift of 10 newly ordained priests. They come from different backgrounds and different cultures, but all share in common their Catholic faith, their zeal and earnestness to preach the Gospel, and a desire to preach that Gospel here in the Diocese of Brooklyn.

New York’s Finest

Dear Editor: On behalf our chaplain, Msgr. Robert Romano, the board of officers, and the membership of the NYPD Brooklyn-Queens Holy Name Society, we would like to thank you for the excellent coverage of our annual Mass and Communion-Breakfast.

Support of Woodside Parish

Dear Editor: The family and friends of the late Major John H. Mark Jr. (U.S. Army) thank everyone who made the “Broadway Comes to Woodside” scholarship benefit performance held at Corpus Christi Church, Woodside, on April 17 a financial and theatrical success.

Congrats, Father Czok!

Dear Editor: We are overjoyed to congratulate Father Robert W. Czok and the Class of 1966 for their 50 years of ordination to the priesthood.

Teen’s Family Grateful

Dear Editor: I want to thank Maria-Pia Negro Chin for the great article “Queens Teen Has Heart Set on a Medical Career” (April 23) on Gregory Nelson.

Visitor from Fatima

Dear Editor: I was at Our Lady of Guadalupe for the visit of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Msgr. Romano, pastor, gave some beautiful words about how Our Lady watches over. She watches over the police department of which he is a police chaplain.

New Pastoral Graduates

Dear Editor: Congratulations to the Pastoral Institute’s Class of 2016. Another class of lay ministers is now available to serve the needs of the Diocese of Brooklyn.

‘And With Your Spirit’

John L. Allen, Jr., in his article, “‘Liturgy wars’ have gone quiet, but they’ve hardly gone away,” on the website Crux, examines an issue about which seemingly every Catholic has an opinion – the Liturgy!

Unlikely Apostles, Then and Now

WHEN I WAS in the seminary, it was stressed to us in the most definite terms that if you wanted to be able to function in the Diocese of Brooklyn as a priest in the last quarter of the 20th century and beyond, you had to learn another language. Classes would be given in Spanish and Italian, so take one, and this means you.

Young People Are Choosing Confirmation

A wonderful, but not very well known event will take place over the next couple of weeks. About 35 young men and women from the Catholic high schools in our diocese will receive the sacrament of confirmation.