Socialists Promise Everything

Dear Editor: It’s not difficult for pandering socialists promising free everything to garner approval, but it should be difficult with Catholics given Catholicism’s unambiguous condemnation of socialism for its atheistic hatred of God-given truths about human nature.

St. John’s Law Announces Mattone Family Institute

The St. John’s University School of Law will establish The Mattone Family Institute for Real Estate Law funded by a $3.5 million gift from Joseph M. Mattone, Sr., Chairman of the Board, The Mattone Group. The gift was announced at the School of Law’s 90th Anniversary Gala at the Waldorf Astoria in Manhattan.

The Cause of Archbishop Sheen

With the expressed will of his oldest living relative, the body of the Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, will eventually be moved from New York to his home diocese of Peoria in Illinois. This comes after many years of dialogue between the Archdiocese of New York, who had Sheen’s remains interred in the crypt of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, and the Diocese of Peoria, who wishes to place Sheen in the crypt of Saint Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria, where he received his First Communion and where he was ordained a priest. His parents are buried nearby Saint Mary’s and his remaining relatives still are in the area.

Real Reform

The attempt to suspend the statute of limitations for victims of sexual abuse died without a whimper in the State House in Albany where it was being championed by Queens Assemblywoman Marge Markey and a concerted campaign by the New York Daily News. The proposal was bad law and was made even worse by the effects it would have had on the mission of the Church.

Remembering Msgr. Hendricks

Dear Editor: I was deeply saddened to read of the death of Msgr. Donald Hendricks (June 4). I studied classical languages (my major) under him at Cathedral College, Douglaston, in the late 1960s/early 1970s. He was a great and patient educator with, at times, a wry sense of humor.

Nuts and Bolts of a Neighborhood

Dear Editor: I remember Joe and Flo Leopoldi as a young married couple from growing up on Fifth Street in Park Slope. The Leopoldi and Fenimore families were always rich in faith, family and tradition. Reading the article about their family hardware store brought back some wonderful memories. Blessings to all!

A Celebration in Woodside

Dear Editor: I was quite thrilled to open this week’s Tablet and find an article about our parish celebration of our patronal feast! Children and adults of many ethnicities came together on Sunday, May 29, in Corpus Christi parish, Woodside, to express their devotion to the Holy Eucharist.


Dear Editor: During this Year of Mercy, I notice that some writers on the subject refer to people who question the role of the Church’s moral laws in the granting of mercy as: disturbed, sad, angry, and similar references. I do not agree with the descriptions.

Church Shows the Way

Dear Editor: The sex abuse scandal constituted a heinous crime and putting such behind us demands that the following conditions be met: The Church must admit guilt, show deep metanoia for these deeds and put in place processes to check their re-occurrence.

Media Not Biased?

In a recent op-ed piece on the Catholic website Crux, Father Edward Beck, C.P., a noted television commentator on matters of religion, opined that he does not believe that there really is an anti-Catholic bias in the media.