Thanks, Catholic Charities

Dear Editor: I am writing on behalf of the seniors from Narrows Senior Center. We seniors are transported by vans each day by Maddy and Samuel, the drivers. We are treated with very much respect and tender care. Many thanks! We are taken to our doctors’ appointments, trips, and in some cases, shopping.

Contemptible Generalization

Dear Editor: Effie Caldarola (June 18) seems a bit less than non-judgmental in her column, attacking Evangelical Christians in Uganda for teaching that homosexuality behavior is sinful.

Father Lauder on YouTube

Dear Editor: For those of us who have enjoyed Father Robert Lauder’s column in The Tablet over the years, there is a special treat on YouTube under the heading “Robert Lauder, the Mystery of Love.”

Selective Horror

Dear Editor: The horrible incident that happened in Orlando, Florida, will leave scars that many may never heal from on the lives of all of us, but especially on those who were related to or knew those who were killed and/or wounded. History has shown us many have been involved in acts of terrorism, be it the blowing up of a plane, killing on a cruise ship or since 1993 when terrorists first tried to topple the Twin Towers.


Once again, Pope Francis’ in-flight press conferences grab the attention of the entire world, Catholics and non-Catholics alike. After a unique apostolic voyage to Armenia, having strengthened ties with the Orthodox Church, the pope was asked to weigh in on a number of questions. As usual, our Holy Father answered with supreme honesty and pastoral care.

Filipino Cardinal Visits Flock in Queens Church

“He is a man of small stature, but for us in Asia he is a man of 15 feet tall!”
That’s how our pastor, Father John Vesey, introduced Cardinal Orlando Quevedo, archbishop of Cotabato, in the Philippines. The occasion was the prelate’s June 20 visit to St. Michael’s Church, Flushing.

Remembrance of ‘Feldy’

Dear Editor: I’m so old I remember a then-Father Feldhaus – who was my high school English teacher at Cathedral, Brooklyn in the early 1950’s. He carefully analyzed every composition and returned each one on-time.

Inspired by Father Catoir

Dear Editor: Just wanted to commend Father Catoir for his inspiring column (June 4). It is so easy in this day and age to become saddened and heavy-hearted with all the bad news that the media surrounds us with on a daily basis.

Religious Tests

Dear Editor: President Obama said religious tests have no place in America. Of course, they do. If a Muslim candidate for office intends to impose Sharia Law in his/her community, if elected, that person is ineligible to run for public office in America. Sharia Law is contrary to the U.S. Constitution, which the candidate must swear to uphold.

Unacceptable Accusations

Dear Editor: I am a devout reader of the N.Y. Daily News and was recently angered by the accusations made against our Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio by Assemblywoman Marge Markey, who claimed that the Bishop offered her a $5,000 bribe to withdraw legislation she was introducing that would punish church institutions who cover up sexual abuse against minors and extend the statute of limitations.