Sainthood for Fr. Capodanno

Dear Editor: Blessed Mother Teresa was canonized Sept. 4 for her life of service to God’s poor.

The Choice Is Clear!

Dear Editor: I dislike hearing from Christans that they will not vote for either Clinton or Trump because they are both horrible. My statement: “So you think that Clinton or Trump are bad, but who is ‘badder’?” Yes, Trump is not as polished a politician as are the very smooth Clintons, but do you really want Mrs. Clinton to continue the policies of Obama? Did you forget about the Little Sisters of the Poor? Did you forget about the condoning of baby body parts for sale? Did you forget about the admiration both Obama and Mrs. Clinton have for the late Saul Alinsky?

What ‘Law’?

Dear Editor: James Mack, in an otherwise unobjectionable letter (Aug. 20), accepts the term, “the law of the land” for Roe v. Wade. That has never been approved as a law, to the contrary, it nullified the laws of almost all the states, in an act of judicial abuse. To accept such erroneous terminology is tantamount to surrendering the argument.

Setting Standards

Dear Editor: Brenda Becker Walker (Aug. 20) says she is ashamed of letters that point out some factual realities that, despite her claims of being a journalist, she apparently blocks out of her mind without even-handed consideration.

Year of Mercy Offers Twofold Call to Action

THE PHRASE, “I WAS just a bit of flotsam in the sea,” is recognizable to all “I Love Lucy” fans. It is from the episode titled, Lucy’s Last Birthday.

Doctor Can’t Forget House Call to Calcutta

by Frank DeRosa, When Dr. George V. Lombardi traveled to Rome for the Sept. 4 canonization of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, he carried with him the memory of two women Religious whose impact on him was life-changing: one, his parochial school teacher in Queens; the other, the founder of the Missionaries of Charity herself.

Dominican Sisters to Mark Founder’s Day

In celebration of The “Order of Preachers” 800th anniversary, the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville, L.I., will conduct Founders’ Day on Saturday, Sept. 10, at the motherhouse in Amityville.

World Trade Center Is Seen As Sign of Hope

by Beth Griffin, (CNS) – Fifteen years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks decimated the twin towers in lower Manhattan, the 1,776-foot One World Trade Center rises out of the ground, a palpable symbol of triumph and optimism. The tallest skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere is the soaring, storied, centerpiece of a 16-acre complex that includes eight other major structures.

Relic of Mother Teresa

Missionaries of Charity nuns present a relic of St. Teresa of Calcutta as Pope Francis celebrates the canonization Mass of Mother Teresa in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican Sept. 4.