Pizza for Everyone

Pope Francis greets pizza makers from Naples during a pizza lunch for the poor after the canonization of St. Teresa of Calcutta at the Vatican Sept. 4. Three thousand pizzas were served by Missionaries of Charity nuns and brothers to about 1,500 poor people who had come to the canonization Mass from shelters, dormitories and soup kitchens the order runs throughout Italy.

Saint of Our Times

This past Sunday, we watched the canonization of a saint of our lifetime, Mother Teresa of Calcutta. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that she was a living icon of the love and mercy and peace that is our Lord Jesus Christ.

How Do We Calculate The Cost of the Kingdom?

GET-RICH-QUICK schemes seldom get anyone very rich, and that is very much the heart of the message in The Million Dollar Idea episode of the 1950s sitcom, “I Love Lucy.”

Good News for Churchgoing Women

TEN YEARS AGO, I wrote a column called “The Health Benefits of Going to Church.” In it, I reviewed two studies that examined whether attendance at religious services could be beneficial for overall health.

Shaken by Reality

On Aug. 24, the feast of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle, Central Italy suffered a tremendous “terramoto,” or earthquake. This 6.2-magnitude quake rocked the Umbria region and was even felt in Rome, over 65 km away from the center of the quake.

Blessed Teresa: Witness of Modern-Day Holiness

Blessed Teresa of Kolkata came to The Catholic University of America 45 years ago to receive her first honorary degree. If I’d been president of our school at the time I would have tried hard to get a picture of her in a Catholic University sweatshirt.

Humility Is Knowing Who You Are

THE SITUATION IN the parable offered by the Lord Jesus in today’s Gospel from the Evangelist Luke presents a pretty embarrassing situation. The guest at the banquet who takes the best seat at first, has to move when a more distinguished guest comes forward. It’s embarrassing for the one who has to move, it’s embarrassing for the host of the banquet, it’s even embarrassing for the more distinguished guest. All around red faces, especially for the guest who plopped himself down in the good seats!

Father Lauder’s Fall Film Festival Kicks Off Sept. 9

Father Robert Lauder and the Office of Faith Formation, School of Evangelization, are proud to present the 52nd Friday Film Festival at the Immaculate Conception Pastoral Center in Douglaston, on six Fridays in the fall.