Keeping Company With the Right People

TAXES! NOBODY REALLY likes them, but when have you ever you complained to a cashier at the store about the sales tax you were charged on your purchases?

How Did We Get to This Point in Electoral Process?

There is a thought experiment in moral philosophy, made famous by Philippa Foot, called the trolley problem. Imagine you are the driver of a runaway trolley that you can steer but not stop. Up ahead, the track forks in two.

Politics’ Ship of Fools

Dear Editor: On Easter Sunday, we renew our Baptismal vows, denouncing Satan, his works and promises. As he captains “The Ship of Fools,” Satan has been using as his crew many of our “Catholic” politicians.

Mother Teresa in Brooklyn

Dear Editor: Msgr. Joe Nugent’s affectionate reminiscence of a time when Mother Teresa visited Brooklyn (“Editor’s Space,” Sept. 3) recalls July 27, 1982, the day Mass was celebrated in Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Bushwick, marking the official founding of the Missionaries of Charity’s contemplative branch in the Brooklyn Diocese.

Rosary Request from India

Dear Editor: Hope this letter finds you healthy, happy and peaceful. These days are hard times with all of us worried and praying for the world and each other.

A Dorothy Day Pew?

Dear Editor: Articles re: the progress of efforts made to canonize Dorothy Day, co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement, have appeared in various periodicals.

Friendship With Books

Dear Editor: “There is no Frigate like a Book/ To take us Lands away/ Nor any Coursers like a Page/ Of prancing Poetry –/ This Traverse may the poorest take/ Without oppress of Toll –/ How frugal is the Chariot/ That bears the Human Soul.“

Green Teams in Parishes

Dear Editor: I was thrilled to read the Up Front and Personal article (Oct. 1) by Sister Maryann Seton Lopiccolo, S.C.: “‘Laudato Si’ Is an Everyday Response.”

The Catholic Vote

Neither presidential candidate from the major political parties has proven to be entirely decent and moral.

What One Priest Can Do

Dear Editor: Thank you for Ed Wilkinson’s uplifting article, “Mother Teresa Visited Brooklyn Many Times,” (August 31), which recounts the devotion a Catholic priest has had for now St. Teresa of Calcutta and her Missionaries of Charity who have impacted the lives of scores of women and their children in the diocese.