Thinking of Aquinas

Dear Editor: Where art thou Sts.Thomas Aquinas and Thomas More? Thomases, did you ever think that hundreds of years after your deaths that you would be mocked in conversation among presidential campaign staffers of Ms. Clinton?

Rosary Guides Voters

Dear Editor: The November election is fast moving and will be here shortly. Our world, our Church, our country and our dignity as a person are under attack by the forces of Satan and his minions

Check Catholic Teaching

Dear Editor: Upon reading Bishop DiMarzio’s Put Out into the Deep (Oct. 15, “Who Deserves Our Vote?”

Informed Catholic Vote

Dear Editor: I am a practicing Catholics living within the Brooklyn-Queens Diocese. I guess one could call me part of the “silent majority.” Like all of your readers, I love Christ and His Church.

Little Choices Make a Big Difference

by Bill Dodds CAR MANUALS SAY the dashboard’s oil light may stay on for a few seconds after you start the engine. But mine had been lit up for longer than that as I sat in the driveway.

Be Informed, Vote

The Al Smith Dinner is an annual opportunity, for the benefit of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, for a little good-natured fun on the parts of candidates for public office. Hosted by the Archbishop of New York, the Democratic and Republican contenders usually put aside their differences, have some laughs at the expense of each other and generally allow their “better angels” to shine. This was not the case this year.