Catholic Vote Mattered

Dear Editor: The legally elected President is Donald Trump. Sour grapes is not justification for accusatory rhetoric against Trump, his supporters, Republicans and Conservatives.

False Gods of Progressives

Dear Editor: Ever notice that the more our Church practice becomes increasingly obsessed with denying even the possibility of personal sinfulness among ourselves and people we prefer to identify as being like ourselves, which we call being non-judgmental, we become more willing to judge and accuse others we prefer to assume are dissimilar to ourselves?

Every Life Is Priceless

Dear Editor: Trump won because people are tired of killing human beings, babies, seniors, disabled and depressed, and pro-life people are glad he won. Get over it, because it is very annoying to read in the papers from women who constantly talk about the death penalty as being equal to abortion.

Values of Vincentian Higher Education

LAST SEPTEMBER, St. John’s celebrated Founders’ Week, a week of renewal dedicated to honoring those who founded the Vincentian Order and the Daughters of Charity, especially St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac. One of the special sessions centered around a lecture by Father Dennis H. Holtschneider, C.M., the president of DePaul University, […]

Knowing Our Roles In the Kingdom

IN THIS SUNDAY’S Gospel from the Evangelist Matthew, we encounter, yet again, the figure of St. John the Baptist. At this time in the Gospel story, John is already imprisoned, locked away by Herod. The Lord Jesus had John’s disciples come to Him, asking quite bluntly if He’s the one about whom John was preaching, the long-awaited Messiah of Israel.

Racism Is a Disease That Must Be Cured

by Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory Many diseases frighten us. We have learned important details about some of our most virulent illnesses, yet when outbreaks occur, even with our advanced medical discoveries, they can cause uneasiness or even panic.

For What Are We Preparing This Advent?

Once again, the Church year has begun with the season of Advent. This is a time of hope, of preparation, of expectation. Despite all past mistakes – globally, nationally or personally – we can open ourselves to a spiritual renewal. We are reminded once again that the coming of God into the world through Christ did not happen in a perfect world.

Give Trump a Chance

Presumption is a terrible thing. Many of us assume the worst in all situations. Many of us go into a situation assuming that everyone is against us, that the battle is lost and that the apocalypse is nigh. Such, perhaps, is the case that some are feeling concerning the forthcoming inauguration of Donald Trump as the President of the United States of America.

Reasons for Thanks in Bayside

John Maganaro of Sacred Heart parish, Bayside, and his crew deliver turkeys and canned goods for 100 people each Thanksgiving.