An Enduring Economic Revival Is Needed in US

by Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski
In my Labor Day statement this year, I highlighted the plight of millions of Americans who face twin crises – deep trials in both the world of work and the state of the family. In many ways, the recent election results are connected to working-class communities beset by these factors, and that feel abandoned and unheeded.

Continuing Works of Mercy

Dear Editor: In Up Front & Personal (Dec. 3) Rita Piro writes: “We rationalize that after so many Christmases there couldn’t possibly be anything they (seniors) could or would want.”

Political Musings Continue

Dear Editor: Just a few comments on recent criticisms of Donald Trump.
Hatred/fear? Just a subjective opinion. Racism/xenophobia? Because the president- elect wants to seal our borders and enforce existing immigration laws, some people call him a racist and anti-Muslim. Really? The McCarran-Walter Immigration and Nationality Act (1952) empowers the president to suspend admission or impose restrictions on any group deemed to be detrimental to the interest of the United States.

A Way Forward on Immigration

by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez THE CATHOLIC BISHOPS of the United States designated Dec. 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, as a national day of prayer for migrants and refugees.

Following the Example of Joseph

by Father John P. Cush THE GOSPEL WE proclaim today, taken from the Evangelist Matthew, puts the focus firmly on St. Joseph, the husband of Mary. Joseph stands as a model of what every Catholic man – or woman, for that matter – should be.

Recalling My Year of Mercy: Visiting the Sick

by AnnaMarie Prono REFLECTING ON THE past Holy Year of Mercy, I recall my visits to holy sites and walking through the Doors of Mercy. I was fortunate in that I traveled to Fatima, a wonderful pilgrimage destination. Locally, I ventured out to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island in Manorville, L.I., Graymoor and St. Patrick’s Cathedral were two other special places I visited.

Preparing Priests

The Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy has released new norms on the formation of seminarians for the priesthood. They are binding and affect the entire Church in the Latin Rite, with dioceses around the world adapting them to their own situations. They are meant to reflect an updated vision of priestly formation, in light of societal shifts and in light of our Holy Father Pope Francis’ vision of priesthood.

Ongoing Battle for Life

Dear Editor: Bravo on Ed Wilkinson’s report of Kathy Gallagher’s presentation (Oct. 15) at Our Lady of Angels. I have long worked with Kathy on life issues and a host of other issues to combat those who love to hate our Church and its teachings.

The Catholic Voice

Dear Editor: Have we as Catholics lost the ability to speak out? How many more things in which we do not believe will we be forced to accept?