Let Mary Be Our Guide

WHAT A WAY to start the new year! As a Church, we are privileged to begin by honoring Mary, the Mother of God, while still basking in the fresh light of Christmas. We have honored the Christ Child –  and indeed continue to do so – but for a brief moment we turn our gaze to His Mother and ours, while her loving gaze never leaves His precious little body. This is at the heart of the mystery of Mary which we contemplate today.

Former Ozone Park Pastor Was Montfortian for 65 Yrs

Father George J. Werner, S.M.M., former pastor of St. Father George J. Werner, S.M.M., former pastor of St. Mary Gate of Heaven parish, Ozone Park, died peacefully Dec. 3 at the Montfort Missionary Community, Bay Shore, L.I.

Final Tribute to Former Review Board Chairman

A Mass of Christian Burial for Bernard G. Helldorfer was offered on Thursday, Dec. 22, at Our Lady of Hope Church, Middle Village. He died Dec. 15 at the age of 61 after a long battle with cancer.

The Advent Creche

Dear Editor: Having the opportunity to attend other parishes twice this week – one for a Christmas concert and another for weekday Mass followed by the Miraculous Medal Novena – has not brought me the usual joy that I previously found visiting neighboring churches. There was something missing. It truly saddened me not to see the Nativity displayed in either church.

A Cure for Racism

Dear Editor: It was an interesting juxtaposition of Joe Heller’s political cartoon about the stresses of Christmas shopping on one side of the paper and a letter to the editor agreeing with the commentary of Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Atlanta about how racism is a disease.

Free Exercise of Religion

Dear Editor: Columnist George Weigel (Dec. 17) wrote compellingly of young peoples’ ignorance of American history and civic institutions. Interestingly, in her report on the return of the Christmas spirit to Grand Army Plaza that appeared in the same issue, Antonina Zielinska evinced the very thing Weigel was bemoaning. In explaining why a manger at Grand Army Plaza might face scrutiny, Zielinska chalked it up to “city regulations on separation of church and state and all.”

Principles, Not Laws

Dear Editor: A letter (Dec. 3) illustrates common ignorance regarding the meaning of “law” in Sacred Scripture. There is no other way to think of the practice of denigrating God-given moral principles as though it is on the same level of “rules” given to children other than its being rather shallow. “If you don’t do your homework, no ice cream for desert,” is not the same as a natural-law Catholic principle that says if you regard God’s weakest and most afflicted lives as sub-human and subject to having their lives terminated, you are committing an objective grave evil.

Take the Bishop’s Lead

Dear Editor: Thank you, Bishop DiMarzio, for your intelligent and heartfelt writings in support of the immigrants of the diocese.

Best Gift of All? The Eucharist

by Father John P. Cush A PRIEST WHO is a friend of mine was the celebrant of Mass on Christmas Day in his parish and proclaimed the Gospel with which we are presented this Sunday, the Solemnity of the Lord’s Nativity. There are several Masses of Christmas, each with its own set of readings. The Mass for Christmas Day is titled “Mass During the Day,” and has the Prologue of the Gospel of John as its Gospel.

Gift to the Church

Last Saturday, Dec. 17, Pope Francis celebrated the occasion of his 80th birthday. We, of course, all should pray for a happy, healthy, and holy long life and ministry for our Holy Father. At a time in his life when most of his peers are well into their “golden years,” Pope Francis is keeping an intense schedule that could make strong, healthy men and women in their 20s gasp for air!