Letters to the Editor

The Advent Creche

Dear Editor: Having the opportunity to attend other parishes twice this week – one for a Christmas concert and another for weekday Mass followed by the Miraculous Medal Novena – has not brought me the usual joy that I previously found visiting neighboring churches. There was something missing. It truly saddened me not to see the Nativity displayed in either church.

The explanation that I received from one pastor was that the lack of the decoration was to keep Advent a time of anticipation. Well, that is exactly what the stable with Mary and Joseph next to the empty manger always brings to mind. It is also a wonderful opportunity for parents to show their children exactly what Christmas is all about.

The manger is empty, but come Christmas Day, the beautiful baby Jesus appears and is adored by Christians all over the world. What a marvelous celebration! A birthday celebration greater than any other for over 2,000 years! Not having the visual stimulation of the religious symbol of Christmas takes away so much.

For months prior to Christmas, stores and manufacturers begin their commercial manipulation of the birthday of Our Lord with commercials and sales advertisements about what should be put on a wish list for Christmas from toy trucks to luxury cars. Santa Claus is everywhere.

But in Church the anticipation of the Christ Child is downplayed. What a missed opportunity to display the true meaning of anticipation and love.

Please, keep Christ in Christmas and in Advent. We need to keep the story alive for our children. With so many Catholic schools closing, we are losing the potential of educating future members of our Church. We need to engage the youth in meaningful and wondrous ways and taking away our traditions of Advent is taking away one more opportunity to bring home the meaning of Christmas. It is a pleasure to report that the Nativity set in place and awaiting Our Savior at my local parish.

