Two More Great Sisters

Dear Editor: I was very remiss in not noting the passing of Sister Mary Ronan I.H.M. some months ago. I was in her first teaching class, eighth grade, at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School, Forest Hills, 1964-65.

Breathing with Both Lungs

Dear Editor: Nice article about “Mother” Church by Carol Glatz (Jan. 14). However – there is always a however – a minor correction for future editorial consideration.

Messianic Complex

Dear Editor: Does anyone share my extreme disappointment in the absence of a response from leaders of the Catholic Church to incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus’ disrespectful comparison of our president-elect to Jesus (per his Christmas Day 2016 holiday greeting: “Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new king.” (Huffington Post, Dec. 26, 2016)?

False Charge of Racism

Dear Editor: As a racial “minority,” I am disappointed that The Tablet would assign the title of “A Cure for Racism“ to a letter (Dec. 24-31, 2016) expressing the familiar attitude that will have and has had the opposite effect when put into practice. False accusations of racism encourage the cultivation of real racist responses among those who revel in accusatory vitriol.

Jesus’ Dying Wish: That All Christians Would Be One

Christ’s last prayer on earth was for unity. In John 17, He prayed that all of His followers may be one, just as He and the Father are one in the bond of their Holy Spirit. For most of the two millennia of the Church’s history, unity has been an elusive attainment.

Through Hispanic Catholic Eyes

by Dr. Hosffman Ospino U.S. CATHOLICISM AND the Hispanic experience in the second decade of the 21st century practically go hand in hand. The evidence? Well, just look around. Look at the families attending Mass in our parishes, the children being baptized and receiving first Communion, the faces of young Catholics today, the various rhythms that give life to liturgical music in our parishes, among other signs.

All May Be One

We, as a Church, with our Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters and with our separated brethren in other Christian ecclesial communions and denominations, have just celebrated, once again, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We prayed in a special way that the Lord’s command from the Gospel of John might truly be realized: “Ut Unum Sint,” “that they may be one.”

Twitter Wars

Twitter is perhaps the most important means of social communications that we have today. And at the same time, it can be very dangerous.