Support of Catholic Issues

Dear Editor: In response to Rosemary Parker’s comments (Jan. 21) that she is “appalled” that Cardinal Dolan attended the Trump Inauguration, I would like to remind her that the candidate that she supported along with her union (United Federation of Teachers) was advocating policies that were in direct conflict with Catholic teaching.

Rego Park Misses Eileen

Dear Editor: As my husband and I were at Mass on vacation in Puerto Rico, we received a message that Eileen Feeney had passed away that morning at the age of 96.

Ridiculous Name-Calling

Dear Editor: Without any specifics, two recent letters make the same ridiculous claims about President Trump as the propagandistic media, calling him a fascist, a racist, a white supremacist, a supporter of Russian interventionist policies and a man who “compares” himself to Christ on an occasion of self-deprecating irony.

We Get Nothing in Return

Dear Editor: Letter writer Patricia Kenney tells us that the evidence of climate change is irrefutable. The Paris agreement on climate change is nothing more than President Obama’s effort at income redistribution from the United States to Third World countries.

The Cost of Believing

Dear Editor: Many years ago, while a guest at the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, Conn., I found myself seated at the dining table next to a Japanese man who was on his way to Rome in order to renew contact with the Vatican relating to the “hidden or secret Catholics” of Japan.

Surviving the Suicide Of a Loved One

The suicide of someone you love is shattering. You think that you have lost your mind, that you are crazy, that you won’t be able to live through the next hour, let alone the rest of your life. You are convinced that you’re the only person who has ever felt this way, that no one in the world could ever experience such devastation and be able to survive

Anticipating Spring by Thinking of Gardens

I’ve been thinking a lot about gardens lately. Maybe that’s because it’s wintertime, and all you can do in a garden is watch and wait. Everything is out of your control. Sure, you can prune back a few branches here, spruce up the trellis there. You can collect the fallen autumn leaves that blanket the soil to keep it warm.

Call for Civility

There seems to be a general lack of tolerance on both sides of the political spectrum. Tempers flare and emotions take hold, and words come out, harsh words that have repercussions in our lives and the lives of others.

Tribute to Det. McDonald

Dear Editor: Thank you for your beautiful editorial comments about our now sorely-missed Detective McDonald.

Sister Bernadette Cared

Dear Editor: I read in your Jan. 14 issue of the death of Sister Bernadette Downes, C.I.J.. I remember how much Sister Bernadette and her work helped my son, Peter, who had Down Syndrome, back in the 1970s.