Two Episcopal Firsts, Two Different Times

ON JAN. 9, 2017, I was at the Mexican American Catholic College in San Antonio, Texas, speaking to a group of second-year theology students from Saint Meinrad Seminary in Indiana.

Lenten Regulations

Lent begins with the celebration of Ash Wednesday, which this year falls on March 1. It is a season that urgently calls us to conversion and is a time for deepening our spiritual life, most especially through prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

This Year, Discover The Joy of Lent

by John Fitzgerald, If I had more time I would have prepared much more…. If I knew how important the event was I would have made better preparations. If I had some direction to follow I would have been better prepared.

Fake News

President Donald Trump tweeted The FAKE NEWS media (failing ‪@nytimes, ‪@NBCNews, ‪@ABC, ‪@CBS, ‪@CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!”

Queens Group Provides The Bridge to Life

Most people hurry inside. They have already made their decision. It wasn’t the early summer hot spell that slowed 25-year-old Nakia Henry down that June morning, nor was it the slight morning sickness. She had done this before, but this time, just being outside the abortion clinic in Jamaica felt wrong.

Women and Life Issues

Dear Editor: In your column, you implied that participants in the Jan. 21 Women’s March had smashed windows and set cars on fire. In fact, an estimated four million people participated in more than 400 marches nationwide with zero acts of violence. The events you reference occurred on Inauguration Day.

Msgr. Bennett Remembered

Dear Editor: The Tablet might find it interesting to note that the late Msgr. Austin Bennett and his ordination classmate, the late and great Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, were both ordained on June 11, 1949. And both died on the same day in the month of January – Jan. 31 – five years apart. They remained close friends over the years and both were scholars.

Not Numerous Center

The past two Fridays have seen media attacks launched on Pope Francis in Rome. First, a series of posters were placed (illegally, without any permission) on billboards with a rather unflattering picture of the Holy Father with the following message in Italian (in the local Roman dialect): “Eh, Francis, you’ve commissioned Congregations, removed priests, decapitated the Order of Malta and the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, you’ve ignored cardinals … but where’s your mercy?”

Be Like God: Love Gratuitously

by Father Jean-Pierre Ruiz TWO TOUGH COMMANDS bookend this Sunday’s readings from the Scriptures. First, there’s Leviticus, where God directs Moses to tell the people, “Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am holy.” Then there is Matthew, where Jesus instructs His disciples, “Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” There is […]

Confession Helps Readjust Our Focus

by Maureen Pratt, “CONFESSION IS GOOD for the soul,” they say. I agree. I also find that it helps us to live well no matter what our station or situation in life, especially if we make it a time to move fully out of our own comfort zones.