Ready, Set, Sprint!

With new ashes upon our heads and a mandate to “return to God with all our hearts,” we come to this Lent 2017. We pray God walks ahead and alongside us as we begin this journey of repentance and mercy.

Lent Has Begun

One of the great Roman traditions is the Station Church Masses each day during Lent. Coming out of the traditional Mass calendar, those of the North American College, the priests of the Casa Santa Maria and the seminarians on the Gianicolo go each day to a different Roman church as a pilgrimage early in the morning for Mass at 7 a.m. Each day, many other English speakers in the city who make this a major part of their Lenten experience join at the Station churches.

Larry Was One of Those Down-to-Earth Saints

Larry Mule from St. Matthias parish in Ridgewood was a good listener and was loved by the RCIA candidates and parishioners. He was exactly what a deacon and every minister of the Church should be, a servant of the people of God, following the example of Jesus.

A Pro-Trump Paper?

Dear Editor: I was surprised at the amount of space that you gave to the pro-life march in Washington, but on the other hand I did not find any information regarding the discrimination of Muslim-born immigrants practically until I got to the middle of the newspaper.

Wish Success to President

Dear Editor: I am responding to the letter “Messianic Complex,” (Jan. 25). Ever since Donald Trump won the election for POTUS, the collective left has thrown a tantrum (and started violent and destructive riots) like none seen before.

Unite Behind the Winners

Dear Editor: This year I turned 86 years of age. During my life, it has always been my opinion that people of the world admired and had respect for our country due to, in part, the unity and strength of our citizens; and that through our political system we remained united in doing what was best for our country, politics aside.

History of Immigration

Dear Editor: The engagement of the Church on behalf of “the right of every person to migrate” (Archbishop Bernardito, Feb. 11) is eloquent and inspiring. The long history of this engagement may be less well known to our readers.

Compromise on Immigration

Dear Editor: I came to this country legally as a refugee a very long time ago. I believe in law and order because your sense of justice is offended or you don’t feel safe in a country when laws are not enforced.

Stop the Discrimination

Dear Editor: As concerned Muslim, Catholic and Jewish leaders, we are deeply concerned about the recent executive order, which temporarily restricts travel to the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority nations.

Are We Servants of God or Mammon?

by Father Jean-Pierre Ruiz, “DO NOT WORRY about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear.”