Letters to the Editor

Wish Success to President

Dear Editor: I am responding to the letter “Messianic Complex,” (Jan. 25). Ever since Donald Trump won the election for POTUS, the collective left has thrown a tantrum (and started violent and destructive riots) like none seen before.

As for President Trump having a “Messianic Complex,” I sincerely don’t think so. His statements were made at the Al Smith Dinner which has traditionally been a self-deprecating roast for political candidates. Big ego? Yes. But recall it was President Obama who promised to “slow the rise of the oceans,” and Oprah Winfrey asked if he was “The One.” Or Newsweek magazine’s cover of Barack Obama with a halo? Talk about “Messianic Complex.”

But I think the core of the Left’s angst is that Hillary Clinton lost. Recall that she lost the primary in 2009 to a very inexperienced, very liberal freshman senator with radical friends and associates. In this election, she barely beat a Socialist even with help from the media and then lost to a political neophyte who said some offensive things on the campaign trail.

I think that we all need to take a deep breath, take a step back, and wish that our President is successful in turning our economy around and keeping us safe.


Dyker Heights