Confession Available

Pope Francis held his yearly penitential service at St. Peter’s Basilica on March 17. In it, he urged confessors to go to the peripheries of evil and sin, despite it being, at times, “ugly;” nonetheless, the priest is called to go “and his work represents an authentic pastoral priority.”

Effective Youth Minister

Dear Editor: Thank you, David Powell, for your fitting tribute to Dr. Michael Warren. Mike Warren was a most formative influence in my life as well.

Pray for President Trump

Dear Editor: With all the divisiveness and political antagonism in the country, surely we can all agree on one thing. We should all pray for President Trump, that God will bless him and guide him to make the best decisions and choices for our country.

The Art of Compromise

Dear Editor: The letter “Messianic Complex” (Jan. 28) by Rose Emma, pinpoints exactly what’s ailing the U.S. Catholic Church. Many of our church leaders are quick to jump on the band wagon and wipe the slate for the new president, regardless of the fact that he has made a mockery of basic principles of our Church all because of campaign promises that supposedly will be to its benefit.

Two Standards for Judging

Dear Editor: What is really galling is former President Obama’s personal statements that totally contradict his so-called concern for climate change.

Compatible with the Law

Dear Editor: I want to thank Ana A. Garcia for spelling out what nobody seems to want to hear when she said openly and honestly “disregarding American laws and sovereignty is not to be admired or supported.”

Support for Immigrants

Dear Editor: Hooray for Father Ray Roden and the people of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Corona (March 4). I worked at the parish school several years ago as a teacher and I have never met people who are more kind and generous. They might not have as much money as some of us, but they are always willing to give and give and give. This is the spirit of America that should give all of us heart.

Papal Continuity

Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., in a recent interview in America Magazine concerning Pope Francis, comments:

Embracing Our Discipleship

“WHOEVER DRINKS the water I give will never thirst … will have a spring of water deep inside (John 4) … If today you hear God’s voice, harden not your hearts.” (Psalm 95)

Teens Being Fed Fake News By the Secular Media

Teen Vogue is a magazine for teen and pre-teen girls that focuses on fashion, makeup, shopping and pop culture. Its Facebook page has been “liked” by almost six million people, undoubtedly most of them teenagers.