Palm Sunday Gospel Shows Fulfillment of Prophecies

This year on Palm Sunday, we read the account from the Gospel of Matthew of the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. Scholars typically recognize Matthew’s as the Gospel with the greatest focus on the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, and this scene is no exception.

Msgr. Bennett’s Sensitivity

Dear Editor: I remember the late Msgr. Austin Bennett at the parish of St. Rita’s in Long Island City.

Mystery of Faith on Film

Dear Editor: Though I read with interest the letters of Father Mark Kaczmarski and Clara Sarocco (March 11) criticizing Martin Scorsese’s film “Silence,” I have a completely different reaction and evaluation of the film, which I think is a masterpiece.

False Charges vs. Lifers

Dear Editor: Roseanne Cleary, in her letter (Feb. 18), quotes Sister Joan Chittister about abortion. Sister Chittister’s words are addressing some unnamed person (or group) that is apparently pro-life. Sister said that the one she is addressing is in effect not pro-life because they are not in favor of tax money going to support food, education and housing for children.

Different Interpretations

Dear Editor: In his column: “Putting ‘Amoris Laetita’ into Practice” (Feb. 28), Bishop DiMarzio tells us that Pope Francis’ Post-Synodol Apostolic Exhortation, “Amoris Laetitia” has introduced a new way for divorced Catholics who choose to remarry to receive Holy Communion, even if a Diocesan Marriage Tribunal (the “External Forum”) has found a person’s first marriage to have been valid.

23: A Psalm for Living

THIS WEEKEND WE find ourselves at what most people feel is the mid-point of Lent. The signpost is this Fourth Sunday in Lent, known as Laetere Sunday. Purple will be replaced with rose, and the entrance antiphon is from Isaiah: 10-11: “Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her. Be joyful, all who were in mourning; exult and be satisfied at her consoling breast.”

Have Our Eyes Been Opened?

“THE LORD GIVES me repose … refreshes my soul … guides me on right paths … spreads a table before me … anoints my head with oil … and lets goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life …” (Ps 23)

Four Years Into a Latino Papacy

by Dr. Hosffman Ospino,
FOUR YEARS HAVE passed since the Holy Spirit inspired the election of the first Latino pope: Pope Francis. Wait. Did you say Latino or Latin American? Well, it depends on where you draw the line. I would argue that it is fine to speak of Pope Francis as a Latino pope.

Sisters Are As Relevant As They’ve Ever Been

CSJ, RSM, OP, SC, OSB, SND, OSF, DW, CSFN and more…Whatever the post-nominal letters that follow their names, they all signify the same thing: a Catholic sister ministering to the people of God.