Protecting Our Borders Is A Matter of Justice

Pope Francis made a good point when he said “every nation has the right to secure its own borders.” He also expressed serious concern over the plight of the refugees in the Middle East and Europe. He is encouraging all nations to be merciful as they formulate their immigration policies.

Catholic School Visit

Dear Editor: I found it very interesting that the first and only school that our President has visited is a Catholic elementary school, St. Andrew’s in Florida.

Grateful for Father Wlad!

Dear Editor: I would like to acknowledge the one-year anniversary of Father Wlad Kubrak as a parish priest at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Astoria. I find his sermons and perspective on life very refreshing because he is open and honest.

Piece of Local Scholarship

Dear Editor: Msgr. Martin Geraghty wrote a nice article on the book by Eileen Markey about the life and death of Sister Maura Clarke, M.M. With his connections to the Rockaways and St. Francis de Sales parish, Msgr. Geraghty is the perfect person to review it.

News That’s Fit to Print

Dear Editor: This letter is prompted by the recent onslaught of anti-Tablet letters. Our new president is a benediction after 24 consecutive years of quixotic, when not immoral, leadership in Washington, D.C.

Hallowed Be His Name

Dear Editor: In movies and on cable television the name of God the Father and the name of Jesus are taken in vain so casually and often times very profanely. A good, and representative example of this on cable TV, is the award-winning “Homeland.”

Did He Say That?

Dear Editor: In response to Kenneth Farley (April 1), I will avoid remarking on many of the points he makes in his letter, presented with sophisticated rhetoric, but no researchable citations for the “facts” he puts forward.

Our Brothers

This question of the role of religious brothers is a key one in the Church. The Lord is still powerfully calling young men and women to serve the Church as priests, brothers, sisters, nuns and monks.

The Reality of the Lord’s Resurrection

I HAVE TO ADMIT that I am not a big fan of the musical, “Jesus Christ Superstar.” Perhaps it is my own personal inclinations, my own disposition, but something about Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s “rock opera musical,” I really don’t like.

Being Easter People

We have to live as people who truly believe not only in the resurrection of Jesus, but also that the resurrection of Jesus has made a difference in our own lives. This becomes apparent through our worship, outreach and service.