Respect Goes Both Ways

Dear Editor: Letter writer Joseph Gunn (Feb. 15) wrote “Unite Behind the Winners,” an eloquent letter describing the results of the many elections he has observed over his long life. He pointed out that no matter the political party, Americans have always supported the winner. But this year he is disappointed that for the first time, some Democrats are not supportive of our new president.

Antagonistic Reporting

Dear Editor: Your piece on Fake News was right on target with a saliently candid message as outlined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, published 1994 during the pontificate of now St. Pope John Paul II, as it deals with the relationship between the press, the state and the truth.

A Civilized Discussion

Dear Editor: At a time when “civilized discourse” seems to be a rarity, and many, even within families, avoid issues such as politics or religion, it is important to realize the values inscribed in the Constitution of the United States.

Low Income Housing Needed

Dear Editor: I read (April 15) with interest of the new Bishop Thomas V. Daily Residence for formerly homeless people and the fact that the building has been named in the bishop’s honor because of his “commitment to serving the poor around the diocese.”

Views on Shaking Hands

Dear Editor: I am responding to Alysoun Roach’s letter (April 15) regarding the sign of peace. There should be no shaking hands since you are receiving Holy Communion immediately after.

Encouraged to Touch

Dear Editor: I have just returned from Mass and I am angry. Not at the priest, who gave an earnest, relevant homily, or at the cantor, who led us in lovely songs for the Lenten season.

Honing the Art of Accompaniment

by Father John P. Cush
IF WE WERE to reflect on each pope since the Second Vatican Council, each – in his own way – contributed to the concept of the New Evangelization.

Catholic Press Is Needed Now More Than Ever

by Rita Piro
MOST ANYONE WHO attended a Catholic high school in the Diocese of Brooklyn during the 1950s and ’60s, will likely remember The Tablet Club. Each week, club members would distribute the latest edition of The Tablet to their classmates to be read and discussed in religion class, and then brought home to their families.

Contemporary Martyrs

Pope Francis recently attended an ecumenical prayer service at the Church of St. Bartholomeo in Rome in which the Church honored the contemporary Christian martyrs of this 21st century.