Leaving the Democrats

Dear Editor: Tom Perez, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, recently stated that you cannot be pro-life and a Democrat!

Everyone Receives a Divine Call from God

DURING HIS HOMILY at the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio announced a Year of Prayer for Vocations. I am sure that we can all understand the need for more priests, deacons and religious men and women. Our dwindling numbers have been a cause of concern for many years.

Walking at Their Pace

by Laura Kelly Fanucci
I BALANCE THE laundry basket on my hip while coaxing a sleepy preschooler downstairs. He wants me to carry him. I explain that my hands are full. He crosses his arms and pouts. I ask him to come with me. He takes one stubborn step down the first stair and glares.

Meet New Coordinator of Special Needs Religious Ed

by John DiBiase
Special Needs Religious Education.
What exactly does this broad term mean? For some, it may be as simple as not quite up to grade level in reading; for others it may describe complex needs. Regardless of the child or adult’s “special need,” there is no reason why she or he should not be admitted into the fullness of our faith.

Journey of Peace

Pope Francis has just completed his Apostolic Journey to Egypt. By all standards, it was widlly successful. The very fact that it even occurred immediately makes it a success.

Pro-Life, Pro-Woman

Dear Editor: I attended the Women’s March several weeks ago in Manhattan. I proudly carried my sign reading, “Pro-Life, Pro-Woman, Anti-Trump.” I marched for three hours and was treated in a respectful and friendly manner by all.

More Marriage Promotion

Dear Editor: The Feb. 11 edition of The Tablet had an excellent column by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio regarding the institution and sacrament of marriage. In the piece, the bishop even mentioned that National Marriage Week was held from Feb. 7-14.

Leaving the Democrats

Dear Editor: I have been a registered Democrat for 50 years. I am pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, conservative. The Democratic Party at one time embraced all of these values. Now, however, if you hold these positions, they don’t want you to speak your mind, they don’t want you to march with them on women’s marches. You are vilified and snubbed, only because you have a different opinion than that which the Democratic Party espouses.

Sisters Still Relevant

Dear Editor: Rita Piro’s Up Front and Personal article, “Sisters Are as Relevant as They’ve Ever Been,” (March 25) leaves me befuddled.

Hope for the Future

Dear Editor: Your editorial, “Trump’s Choice” (March 11), underscores at least a symbolic victory as a result of last November’s presidential election. If the President’s opponent had won, do you think religious schools would have received the encouraging comments from the President and the Secretary of Education and the promise of some assistance for our religious schools?