Freedom Restored

President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order on religious freedom, which has been met with enthusiasm in some circles and skepticism in others. Bill Donohue, the president of the Catholic League, described it as “lacking in the kind of teeth that we expected.” The Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Carl J. Anderson, commented: “We applaud President Trump’s executive order on religious liberty. While there is still work to be done to restore the reverence for religious freedom enshrined in the first amendment, this order marks an important step in restoring those constitutional principles guaranteed to every American.”

Faith and Purpose Inspire Action

by Msgr. Joseph P. Calise

MOTHER’S DAY HAS a very interesting history. The idea was first proposed by Ann Jarvis who held a memorial in 1905 for her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, to pay tribute for all she had done to help the wounded on both sides of the Civil War.

The Resurrection Mystery, A Grandmother’s Insight

by Carol Powell

THE DEATH-RESURRECTION mystery is woven into the fabric of the universe. All around, life is bursting forth proclaiming joy. Trees are budding, flowers are blooming, birds are singing. Rejoicing is in the air.

Common Sense Approach

Dear Editor: I say “Double Amen!” to Father John Catoir’s Up Front & Personal column (April 29) “Protecting Our Borders Is A Matter of Justice.” Obviously there is a delicate balance between complete mercy and common sense. To all those who quickly criticize our country’s vetting process I have two simple questions. 1 – Do […]

Through Mary’s Eyes

Dear Editor: The focus by guest columnist Marge Fenelon (April 22) on “The Resurrection Through Mary’s Eyes,” makes us realize how much this Jewish mother suffered there beneath the cross.

What Trump Really Said

Dear Editor: A letter (April 22) from Christine Napolitan indignantly insists that we accept her reducing my comments to being a stereotyped reaction which perpetuates “fake news” since it doesn’t agree with her misperception of candidate Trump’s public remarks. She cautions that we shouldn’t stereotype her because of her Catholic identity.

Bishop Ray’s Example

Dear Editor: In regard to the upcoming Year for Vocations, I would most respectfully suggest that one of the best recruitment “advertisements” for vocations is to have people spend some time with Auxiliary Bishop Ray Chappetto.

The Franciscan Brothers

Dear Editor: In response to The Tablet’s editorial “Our Brothers” (April 22), I have written this letter. Thank you for doing this.

Need More Information

Dear Editor: I am a 70-year-old cover-to-cover reader of The Tablet, and have been so since well before my teens. I have never written a letter of complaint until today, as I do so with regard to the Letter to the Editor titled, “News That’s Fit to Print” (April 22).