Abandon All Fear, Trust in Him

LAST WEEK, WE spent time atop the mountain with Jesus and His closest disciples, Peter, James, and John. Moses and Elijah appeared beside the Lord, rendering Him the full testimony of the law and the prophets. Like living signposts, they directed our attention to Him as the fulfillment of the entire Old Testament. With the Apostles, we watched and shared in Peter’s excitement: “It is good that we are here! “(Matthew 17:4).

Joy in His Service

by Msgr. Joseph Nugent

Like a couple falling in love and feeling a deep call to be with each other for the rest of their lives, I too felt a call to serve the Lord and His Church as a priest. In the old admonition before marriage, the couple was reminded that they “would take each other for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health – until death.” I said “Yes” to the Lord and His Church and experienced all of the above as a priest for more than 46 years.

Msgr. Bannan Thanks

Dear Editor: I wanted to drop a line to say I just read the beautiful article in The Tablet about my uncle (“Msgr. Bannan Chose Priesthood Over Hoops,” July 29).

‘Dunkirk’ Off the Mark

Dear Editor: Mr. Mulderig’s review of “Dunkirk,” in the July 29 issue of The Tablet, was off the mark, “Dunkirk” failed to educate the audience.

Political Argumentation

Dear Editor: The article from Civilita Cattolica about Catholic fundamentalism in the U.S. is a political tirade full of inaccuracies and exaggerations (typical of political argumentation), attacking opposing policies. Most American sources are from progressive publications, and quoting the authors, we can say that people who do not agree with them are being demonized. The Church can include both of them, provided they treat God and neighbor with charity.

The Facts Are Out There

Dear Editor: I am baffled first by the Editor’s Note in response to “Not a Fan of the President” (July 1-8). I thought it was a bit hostile. It seemed, to me, that you attacked his right to express his opinion. To call his thoughts a “knee-jerk reaction” was not in line with our freedom of speech and democratic way! He supported his statements with policies that the president has put forth.

Ashamed by the Silence

Dear Editor: Regarding the National Black Catholic Congress in Orlando July 6, Gail DeGeorge’s July 22 article, “Convention Tells Bishops: Support Black Lives Matter,” states that Auxiliary Bishop Fernand Cheri III of New Orleans, La., told the convention: “I apologize to you as a leader of the church because I feel we have abandoned you in the Black Lives Matter movement and I apologize.”

Nation of Laws, Not Chaos

Dear Editor: I refer to front-page article “Bishop Blasts Militarization of Border” (July 22) containing comments by Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, Texas. I could not disagree with Bishop Seitz more.

A Glimpse of His Grace and Glory

ON THIS DAY in 1945, the detonation of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima served as a pivotal moment not only in World War II, but also in human history, violently punctuating a century that saw more bloodshed than any other.

My Brother’s Wife Is a Nun… Again!

by Bishop Raymond Chappetto

AN UNUSUAL STORY! Let me explain. Maryan Callahan was born in Philadelphia and grew up in a very Catholic family. As a young girl she became familiar with the Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, known as the IHMs.