The Perfect Gift: Giving Ourselves to Each Other

Never be afraid to ask the hard questions, but at the same time be proactive to find those hard answers. True honest discerning gives us direction and infinite motivation to fulfill with excellence who God calls us to be. And don’t be afraid to take a risk now and then.

Administration Cuts Back On Young Immigrants

by Christopher White

On the same day that Pope Francis called for an end to the “collective and arbitrary” expulsion of migrants, the U.S. bishops expressed their deep disappointment in President Donald Trump’s decision to end the parole processing system for minors seeking to enter the United States through the Central American Minors (CAM) program.

Racism Is a Sin

When we reflect on the past week, we can truly experience the weariness of the world. After the events in Charlottesville, Va., we as a nation should realize just how fragile national unity can be for some.

Let’s Pray for President

Dear Editor: Congratulation to the Editor on his level-headed response to the Letter to the Editor titled “Not a Fan of the President.”

The Great Msgr. Bannan

Dear Editor: As Jim Mancari wrote (July 29) Msgr. Martin Bannan was ordained in 1956, a year that two priests from my parish in Queens were ordained. Both these priests, also adequate ball players, decided to put up their team including Bannan against our CYO team, this was in about 1959.

Grateful for Msgr. Flood

Dear Editor: Thank you immensely for correcting the omission of Msgr. William Flood’s service (1986-95) in Our Lady Help of Christians, Brooklyn, in the coverage of his 60th anniversary (May 18).

Be Careful During Eclipse

Dear Editor: In the July 15 edition of The Tablet, my eye was drawn to the article “Scientist-Brother, Parish Ready for Total Eclipse.” As a middle school science teacher, this is a topic of great interest to me. While I enjoyed the article, one paragraph was of concern – the one about safely observing the eclipse. I feel the information was not complete and could be easily misinterpreted by readers. I have three concerns:

Doctrine v. Ministry

Dear Editor: While I entirely agree with the sentiments (The Editor’s Space, Aug. 5) you expressed about Church unity (and would underscore that as Catholics we are obliged to do so), I respectfully disagree with your observations about how that should be done. More importantly, I disagree with your assessment about the state of the Church now and its clear teachings on the sacraments, including marriage.

Year of Vocations

The Diocese of Brooklyn has begun the Year of Vocations called for by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio. Led by Father Sean Suckiel, the diocesan vocation director, this is a remarkable time to reflect on the gift of priesthood and religious life in the Church and in the world.

Remembering Former Director of Black Ministry

A few days after attending the National Black Catholic Congress, which was attended by over 2,000 delegates representing the African Diasporas from the United States and some dioceses representing Africa, the Caribbean, the military and Rome, I placed a call to an old friend, John Baynes.