Reinterpreting History

Dear Editor: I was deeply saddened by The Tablet’s editorial (Aug. 16) joining the chorus of leftist fanatics and rubberstamping the desecration of a statue of General Robert E. Lee. Saddened because The Tablet has apparently hopped upon the bandwagon or, rather, the juggernaut of political correctness which now demands a Stalin-like, Mao-like revisionism of American history.

Great Art Can Be a Powerful Vehicle

Third and last in a series

WHEN I DECIDED to write about Martin Scorsese’s film, “Silence,” based on the Shisaku Endo novel with the same name, I had no idea that reflecting on the film would lead me to reflect on so many related topics that interest me, and that I hope interest readers of this column.

It’s Never Too Late To Change Course

by Father Anthony F. Raso

BABY BOOMERS LIKE myself are now considered, accurately enough, to be “the older generation.” There is nothing about us nowadays that suggests “babies” – and even less, especially in my case as I toddle around with my cane – that can be associated with the word “boom.”

A Reflection on Labor Day

by Richard Slizeski

The first Labor Day was held in New York City on Nov. 5, 1882. Its purpose was to celebrate the labor movement’s social and economic achievement that contributed to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country.

Ordinary Right

This past week, Pope Francis spoke to an Italian liturgical conference and made a definitive statement, with magisterial authority, that the changes to the liturgy from the Second Vatican Council’s document, Sacrosanctum Concilium, are “irrevocable.”

The Law Is the Law

Dear Editor: Here we go again! An individual, who I will keep unnamed, accused of breaking into a 65-year-old woman’s home, assaulting her and stealing her car was arrested after allegedly assaulting another woman and running from police. He was eventually caught after local officers chased him through a neighborhood.

Reactions to Charlottesville

Dear Editor: I am not surprised, but am nonetheless disappointed, to read of your editorial staff’s support for the removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee (“The Insanity of Racism,” Aug. 19).

We Know Who He Is

THE MOUNTAIN THEME throughout the Sundays of this month has served us well, reminding us that our altars are the truest places of encounter with the God Who is so far beyond our human understanding. In His goodness and fatherly love, He visits His people, and by the same mystery nourishes us as we wander through life.

Speaking About Race With Hispanic Children

by Dr. Hosffman Ospino

MY 6-YEAR-OLD son came home after school and unexpectedly asked my wife and me: “What am I?” The question caught us off guard. “What do you mean,” we replied. He said, “Am I Mexican? Are people who speak Spanish Mexican?”