Temptation to Relativism

I CANNOT RECALL how the discussion started, but this summer on vacation with friends a really stimulating discussion about truth took place one evening.

Stories Help Us Remember From Where We Came

This Oct. 4, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, I intend to make a pilgrimage. Not to any famous Franciscan shrine, but to a place that has meaning for me and my family: Webster Hall on East 11th St., Manhattan. Though recently closed for major renovations, the hall is where, at a closely chaperoned dance 70 years ago, on Oct. 4, 1947, an 18-year-old Rosie Lusardi met an ‘older man,’ 24-year-old Clemente Ferrari. Within 10 years, this young couple would be married and have three of their eventual four children. I am the second offspring of their union.

Pro-Abortion Politicians

Dear Editor: Many of our fellow Catholics are voicing their opinion about the current turmoil in our country and are expressing different opinions about it. I believe that one of the most important issues is not being addressed sufficiently and that is the facilitation of abortionists by Catholics themselves.

Is the Watchman Asleep?

Dear Editor: In the traditional High Mass is the prayer: “Pone, Domine, custodiam ori meo et ostium circumstantiae labiis meis.” “Set aside, O Lord, before my mouth, and a door round about my lips.” (Psalm 140, 3-4)

Moral Theology’s Depth

Dear Editor: I am deeply saddened that your references to Pope Francis’ pontificate show no awareness of the numerous issues for which thousands of thoughtful Catholic luminaries have been expressing grave concern.

A Complicated Civil War

ear Editor: I read the Tablet from front to back each week and enjoy being current with all things Catholic.

Grace to Be Human

This past week, Pope Francis had a book-length interview published. A French sociologist, Dominique Wolton, did the interview and it seems to give a great insight into the person of our Holy Father.

More on Msgr. Bannan

Dear Editor: Obviously, there are many well deserved platitudes due the late Msgr. Marty Bannan as noted in the past weeks’ issues. As one of his parishioners in St. Ephrem’s parish, I worked on several committees and provided electrical maintenance and installations for him.

A Pro-Life Hero

Dear Editor: Every Saturday morning, together with my pro-life friends, I see a man probably in his 50s or early 60s, obviously not among the elite of our society, going into the McDonald’s located next to the building where we pray on the sidewalk for the life of the unborn who are destined to be slaughtered in that building right alongside the McDonald’s restaurant.

Memories of Dominican

Dear Editor: “Dominican stands ever fair in towering majesty, Queen of the hosts of learning, long years may she ever be…” were the opening lines of our school song.