Discovering Columbus

This weekend, we reach that Monday in October so longed for by school teachers, that first three-day weekend, that first day off, at least for Catholic school teachers. Yes, Columbus Day is rapidly approaching and, as it has been for several years now, the man whom we commemorate is a figure of controversy.

What God Has Joined Together…

by Father John Catoir

Everyone agrees with Jesus, “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder” – Mark 10:9. When a marriage case comes before any Diocesan Tribunal, the question before the Chief Judge is this: Was this marriage joined together by God, or not? In other words, the presumption of validity can be challenged.

Our Catholic Traditions

Dear Editor: National correspondent Christopher White reports (Sept. 9) on San Domenico, California’s first Catholic school, electing to remove traditional Catholic statues from its campus as a sign of “Articulating an inclusive foundation…”.

More Informed Readers

Dear Editor: The contributors of Readers Forum (Sept. 16) D. Podesta, P. Murphy, J. Chen, E. Moffitt, D. DeSiena and R.Tillman show that Catholics may be getting better informed. It was exhilarating to see such solidarity in thought. Hope prevails!

Selective Criticism

Dear Editor: Re “While in Colombia, Pope Has Venezuela on Mind” (Sept. 13).

Fond Memory of Sister

Dear Editor: It is with regret that I never contacted recently deceased Sister Doris or Sister Mary Emily as an adult. I write this with respect for a dedicated nun who taught me in the eighth grade at Our Lady of the Cenacle School, Richmond Hill.

The Faith of the Irish

Dear Editor: Reflecting on The Great Irish Fair, we remember that terrible period in the past when the Catholic faith was outlawed in Ireland. For 300 years, there was persecution, subjugation and enforced poverty. Irish churches were closed and burnt to the ground. Mass was outlawed and priests were fugitives, hunted down, tortured and killed. The Irish people suffered greatly for their faith.

A Challenge for Catholic Men of Good Will

by John Fitzgerald

IN 1492, a young 40-year-old mariner set sail on an uncharted course to find a new route to India. Christopher Columbus and his brave crew left Spain with three ships and an incredible amount of faith. Man plans and God changes the course. There was to be no India but the New World of America would be opened to the explorers of Europe.

An Evolving Relationship With God

by Antonina Zielinska

In the days leading up to marriage, I tried to ready myself for how my relationships would change. Who would I be now as a daughter or a professional?

Beauty, the Beast and Theological Symbols

THIS​ ​PAST​ ​SUMMER​, ​my​ ​wife​ ​Carol​ ​and​ ​I​ ​were fortunate​ ​to​ ​discover, in​ ​the​ ​“Around​ ​the​ ​Diocese”​ ​section​ ​of​ ​The​ ​Tablet​, ​some​ ​marvelous​ ​dramatic musicals​, ​specifically​, ​”Joseph​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Amazing​ ​Technicolor​ ​Dreamcoat​” ​at​ ​St.​ ​Margaret’s, Middle​ ​Village​ ​and​ ​”Beauty​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Beast”​ ​at​ ​Holy​ ​Child​ ​Jesus​, Richmond​ ​Hill.​