Connecting with St. Damien of Molakai

by AnnaMarie Prono

I NEVER EXPECTED shingles to hijack the last few weeks of summer, but it did. The good news is that it typically only strikes one side of the body. In my case, it was the right side. I could draw a line over the center of my scalp and down my face, and the blistering sores never crossed over to the left side. The bad news is, shingles is ugly, extremely painful and it doesn’t leave soon after the medication starts.

Stand for the Anthem

Everyone who has studied high school physics is aware of the popular law of nature that for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.

We Must Do and Live As Jesus Did

by Sister Karen M. Cavanagh, C.S.J.

“DO NOTHING out of selfishness or vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves….” Phil 2: 4-5

Marriage: A Vocation of Service and Love

by Christian Rada

SINCE I ENTERED marriage ministry two years ago as coordinator of marriage, family life, and respect life education for the Diocese of Brooklyn, I have met with countless couples that are preparing for matrimony.

Ancestry Reminds Us We Are the World

by Carol Powell

Prior to a year ago, if anyone asked me what nationality I was, I would have said, “I am American of Italian descent.” That was before I sent a sample of my DNA to

Planned Parenthood’s Racism

Dear Editor: Will the bishop’s new commission on racism take on the legacy of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger?

Reality of the Absolute

Dear Editor: Congratulations to Father Lauder on his recent column, “Temptation to Relativism.”

Coverage of Vital Issues

Dear Editor: This evening, I read two issues of The Tablet.

The Sept. 2nd issue: “US Bishops Address ‘Sin of Racism’”; “Diocese Establishes New Commission on Racism”; Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio’s weekly column, “Combatting the Sin of Racism” (Some may complain, “Too little, too late,” but I applaud the effort and wish that other archdioceses and dioceses would follow suit with such prominent placement and prioritization of resources).

Film Had Wrong Message

Dear Editor: On Sept. 8 at Father Robert Lauder’s Friday Film Festival, I viewed for the first time the movie “Silence,” directed by Martin Scorsese and based on the novel of the same name by Shisaku Endo. By reputation, this was a film masterpiece, and so it proved to be.

The Catholic Presence?

Dear Editor: I was appalled to read the article on the back cover (Does Church Have an Ear in the White House?, Sept. 2) mentioning the departure of Stephen Bannon, as, “..the loss of the most visible Catholic in the White House.”