CCBQ Makes Sure People In Need Can Enjoy Thanksgiving

With many people out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, families are struggling to put together Thanksgiving meals. But religious organizations are working to supply families with turkeys to make the holiday a happy one despite the economic uncertainty.

Diocese of Brooklyn Takes ‘Religious Freedom’ Case to the U.S. Supreme Court

The Diocese of Brooklyn has filed an emergency application with the Supreme Court, asking that the highest court in the land agree to hear its case against Gov. Andrew Cuomo on First Amendment grounds. The diocese charged that imposing strict attendance — in some cases, as little as 10 people at the Mass — violates religious freedom.

If Biden is Declared Winner, How Might He Handle Catholic Issues?

If Joe Biden is certified as the winner of the election and becomes the 46th president of the United States on Jan. 20, Catholics will be looking carefully at the new administration to see how it aligns with their deeply-felt views on issues.

Presidential Race Still Up in the Air After Election Day

The race for the White House between incumbent President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden was still undecided the morning after Election Day, as votes were still being counted in a handful of states in a close contest that could go either way.