New Antioch Orthodox Christian Leader Pledges to ‘Seek His Will’

In a moment signaling the start of a new era for the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church, Most Rev. Saba Isper was enthroned as the metropolitan, the senior spiritual leader, of the Archdiocese of North America at a gathering attended by hundreds of the faithful at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Boerum Hill on May 13.

Mom Dedicates Time to Fundraising for Research on Son’s Rare Disorder

Camille Fortunato admits that when her son Anthony Filippazzo was diagnosed at the age of 2 with Williams syndrome, a rare disorder that severely affects heart function and motor skills, she didn’t take the news well. She now dedicates her time to raising funds for research into the disorder.

Graffiti Sparks Concern Over Crime on City Streets

Esposito, president of the Ozone Park Residents Block Association, estimated that graffiti in his Queens community has increased by 70%-80% over the past few years. He isn’t the only one who believes that graffiti is making a comeback.

St. Joseph’s Radio Station Seeks to Evangelize

Father Jean Farda Tanisma never imagined himself as a radio disc jockey, but that’s what he is these days: at the microphone welcoming listeners to the radio station he runs at St. Joseph’s Church in Astoria.

How Catholic Artists Support Each Other, Find Performance Spaces

Two artists — ballet dancer Claire Kretzschmar and painter Erin K. McAtee — stepped into the void left when the pandemic hit in 2020 and created Arthouse 2B, a project to bring New York’s Catholic artists together as a community to perform, pray, and support one another.

Many Birthday Wishes for the Oldest U.S. Nun

Sister Francis Dominici Piscatella, a member of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville, is indeed special. At 110 years of age, she has the distinction of being the oldest nun in the U.S. She is also the second oldest ecclesiastical person in the world.