Popes and Epidemics

Many may be worrying a lot about the world’s current situation. There’s the threat of terrorism, coronavirus, and the stock market’s fluctuations. But consider the hand that was dealt to Pope Benedict XV. He was elected pope six weeks after the beginning of the World War I or, as he called it, “the suicide of civilized Europe.” He had to lead the church not just through war, but also the Spanish flu pandemic that killed some 50 million around the world in 1918.

Three Forms of Gerrymandering

Our body politic has been contaminated with the coronavirus of polarization. That’s one of the few things we all more or less can agree on. But disagreement isn’t a social sickness in a democracy. On the contrary, democracy is a collective agreement to disagree.

Memento Mori

In his pastoral letter to the Chinese Catholics of our diocese, which was published on Ash Wednesday, Bishop DiMarzio retells a beautiful story from his family.

Chinese Catholics Welcome Cardinal Zen

Chinese Cardinal Joseph Zen visited the Diocese of Brooklyn last weekend to meet with Chinese Catholics of Brooklyn and Queens. His visit also coincided with the continuing coronavirus epidemic in China and was part of his broader worldwide tour to advocate for religious freedom in the country.

Extreme Bernie

“Is there such a thing as a pro-life Democrat in your vision of the party?” Bernie Sanders was asked recently.

Objective Journalism and Readers’ Political Preferences

During the last two weeks, I received several letters about two separate stories that appeared on the front page of The Tablet. The first article, “Catholic Iowa Democrats Weigh Choices,” was published on Jan. 25. The second article, “Presidential Seal of Approval,” was published on Feb. 1. You can see a sample of some of the reactions in this week’s Readers’ Forum.

The Presumption of Innocence

On Jan. 30, an appeals court in France overturned the suspended jail sentence against Cardinal Philippe Barbarin for failing to report abuse. Cardinal Barbarin is the highest-profile French prelate implicated so far in the clerical abuse crisis.

The Role of the Pope Emeritus And the Unity of the Church

Two weeks ago, it was announced that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Cardinal Robert Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, will publish a book about priestly celibacy titled “From the Depths of Our Hearts.”

Not Quite Breaking News

The New York Post’s headline on Jan. 18, “Vatican Orders Cardinal Dolan to Probe Bishop DiMarzio Sex Abuse Allegation,” immediately caught my attention.

Bright Christmas Campaign: $1 Million in Eight Years

Thank you! It is the most beautiful phrase in English — or in any language for that matter. Thank you so much to all our readers who have supported The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Campaign throughout the years and especially this past Christmas season.