Catholic Schools on Parade (with slideshow)

Bay Ridge’s annual Ragamuffin Parade attracted thousands of young and not-so-young dressed in costumes for a parade along Third Avenue. The Xaverian H.S. pipers from Bay Ridge led the march, which also included contingents from the local Catholic academies.

Blessing of the Animals in Windsor Terrace

Msgr. Michael Curran, a member of the faculty at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N.Y., who resides at Holy Name Rectory, Windsor Terrace, presided at the parish’s blessing of animals.

Blessing of the Animals in Woodside

Father Frank Mann blessed more than 700 pets and their owners with a relic of St. Francis of Assisi, a piece of the saint’s tunic, at St. Sebastian’s parish, Woodside. The pastor, Msgr. Michael Hardiman, blessed a new statue of the patron of pets, donated by Tricia Healy in memory of John and Cecillia Healy.

Blessing of the Animals in Sunset Park

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Sunset Park, marked the feast of St. Francis with the blessing of the animals. Students brought cats, dogs, parakeets, turtles and fish to honor St. Francis. Father John McKenna, C.Ss.R., offered the blessing on both real and plush animals, much to the joy and excitement of all who attended.

Good Leaders, Good Shepherds

Graduation was held at the Sacred Heart Institute, Huntington, L.I., for 19 priests who completed the two-year pastoral leadership program: Good Leaders, Good Shepherds. Pictured with the graduates are Auxiliary Bishop Ray Chappetto, who presided, and Father Joseph Fonti, director of the Office of Priestly Life and Ministry. The graduates include Msgrs. Robert Pawson and […]

Preparing for Priesthood

Juan Luxama, a fourth-year seminarian at the North American College, Rome, whose home parish is Holy Innocents, Flatbush, was ordained a deacon Oct. 4 at the Altar of the Chair at St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, by Cardinal James Harvey. Auxiliary Bishop Octavio Cisneros and several Brooklyn priests concelebrated the Mass. Deacon Luxama assisted at […]

The Lord of Miracles

A Mass and procession in honor of Señor de los Milagros de Nazarenas (Lord of Miracles) was celebrated Oct. 6 at St. Sebastian parish, Woodside.   Auxiliary Bishop Octavio Cisneros presided. Lord of Miracles is a painting of Jesus Christ from the 17th century that is venerated in Lima, Peru. It was done by an […]

New Leadership at Bishop Ford

Bishop Ford Central Catholic H.S., Park Slope, has welcomed its new principal, Thomas P. Arria Jr., and new board chair, Bishop Ford alumnus and former teacher Myles Davis. Principal Arria officially welcomed the school’s 51st freshman class – the class of 2017 – on Sept. 9. He takes over as the school’s permanent leader replacing […]

New TV Series Will Refresh Faith

As Americans are bombarded with bad news, New Evangelization Television (NET) comes to the rescue with the uplifting series “Refreshing Faith.” Hosted by Johanna Botta, the series will showcase people and organizations who improve lives by incorporating faith and humanity. Starting Oct. 16, the six-part series airs on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., […]

Surpassing Goal in Bayside

Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello, vicar for development, presents Father Tom Brosnan, pastor of Sacred Heart, Bayside, and members of the parish with a check for more than $13,000, representing the amount that Sacred Heart has gone over its assigned goal for the 2013 Annual Catholic Appeal. If all pledges are paid in full, the parish can […]